What to do with cystitis and how to avoid re-illness


The main symptoms of cystitis are considered: frequent and painful urination, sometimes several times per hour, muddy urine with blood admixture, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, sometimes high temperature.

The first thing to be done during cystitis is to increase the amount of fluid consumed. It should be simple warm water, which will promote washing the bladder and removing painful symptoms. In traditional medicine, recipes based on healing berries, herbs and fees are actively used in the early stages of the occurrence of the disease and during recovery.

Herbal infusion from cystitis

Take a barrel bullry leaves, black currant leaves, daisy pharmacy, calendula flowers. Herbs thoroughly mix. In a liter thermos, pour out 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs. Brew, let half an hour and strain. Drink in warm form during the day before meals.

Natalia Nikolaevna Valentinova

Natalia Nikolaevna Valentinova

Natalia Nikolaevna Valentinova, obstetrician gynecologist, mammologist:

- cystitis is an infectious-inflammatory process of the bladder wall, which is often localized in its mucous membrane. If there are symptoms of cystitis, then you need to consult a doctor.

If there is a risk of recurrence of the disease, it is preferable to choose for vacation not too salted seas.

If you are predisposed to the Catest, then buy a swimsuit made of natural fabric or immediately after swimming, change in dry. It is better for you to abandon the studs, synthetic, especially tight, clothes: it will lead to a deterioration in blood circulation in the pelvis area and aggravate the situation.

There are no longer than 7 minutes at water at a water temperature of 24-25 degrees.

Immediately after swimming in the sea, you need to remove a swimsuit and take a shower.

Refrain from having sex on the beach.

Follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Be sure to drink a sufficient amount of fluid: at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day.

Try to eat parsley (her greens and roots), garlic, bow, ginger. These plants contain vitamins, antioxidants and phytoncides capable of suppressing pathogenic bacteria.

Dishes and drinks, irritating urinary ways are prohibited: pickles, smoked, seasonings, canned food, sharp sauces, horseradish, vinegar, alcoholic beverages. It is recommended a milky-vegetable diet, enriched with vitamins, kisli, buckwheat porridge, black coarse bread, meat, fish, cottage cheese. Salt use should be limited.

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