At the bottom of the glass: stars, whose career ruined alcohol


Once in the sparkling world of show business, not everyone can resist the temptations that accompany the fame and success. Putting habits become a real catastrophe for once adorable artists - alcohol and forbidden substances are "captured" firmly into their arms, it is possible to get out only units. Today we decided to recall the stars who fell victims of their weaknesses and paid a lot of price for second pleasure.

Robin Williams

The actor is known for the main roles in large-budget paintings, often taken for the voice acting of popular cartoons, wrote excellent scenarios, not to mention multiple theatrical productions. However, none of us is immune from problems, Williams did not exception. But instead of studying unpleasant feelings with a psychologist, the actor preferred to stroke the spiritual suffering by litters of alcohol and prohibited substances. Deciding to start a new life, Robin agreed to the rehabilitation course, and yet years spent with a glass in hand made itself felt: In 2014, the actor died. The autopsy showed that the cause was the problem with the heart, which weakened from constant intoxication. So the successful career and the life of one of the most talented actors of the world was interrupted.

Makola Kalkin

This boy knew everything. In the mid-1990s, Calkin was the most successful child-actor in the world. The success of Micolai brought the movie "One House", where the guy played a major role. Glory so much headed the head of the boy's family that parents began to expose to producers the conditions with which no every studio agrees. The older I became Calkin, the less decent projects were offered to him, and the financial situation was no longer so stable as it was at the peak of his career. The young man was unable to cope with crowded problems and found consolation in the use of prohibited substances and alcohol. For many years about Calkin there was nothing heard, and now quite recently, the actor began to gradually return to the world of cinema, but still to return the fame of children's years.

Excl Rose

The frontman of the superpopular group of Guns'n'ROSes broke into the world of show business in the late 80s: the group held the first lines in all sorts of charts of the world. Without coping with the wrong glory, the rocker went into all the grave. The once attractive guy became more and more parody of himself. Alcohol addiction greatly influenced the consciousness of the artist, that even the most "blinded" fans began to notice: Exl could calmly leave the stage in the midst of the concert and not to return that he was terribly silent of the audience. Rose stated to his colleagues in the Rose group that only he had the right to all the songs of the collective. The result was the collapse of the group in the late 90s. The star of Exce Rose rolled for many years.

Excl Rose

Excl Rose

Lindsey Lohan

The girl earned the love of the audience being a completely baby - in 11 years old actress played his sign role in the film "Parent trap". Critics called the girl the most promising young actress, the proposals for the shooting were poured one after another. Realizing your status in the entertainment industry, Lohan has ever started spending on the shooting sites, but in the nightclubs with their friends. Alcoholic parties have become familiar and lasted day long. Drugs were added to alcohol, which forced Lindsay to completely lose a sense of measure: arrests for drunk driving, scandals in hotels and clubs were a reason for the placement of the artist in the rehabilitation center. The girl's career rolled at the same speed as he once gained momentum. Today, Lohan does not boast of successful projects, since in Hollywood almost no one wants to enter into contracts with so unpredictable artists.

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsey Lohan

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