Stanislav Bondarenko: "He became a father only at twenty-three years - consider, seriously late!"


"The risk has covered me literally from childhood," says Stanislav. - I am a dash driver, frankly. During the junior period, he drove on the car ... And now my love for cars logically moved to motorcycles. Regardless of the time of the year, we regularly attend a specialized school, where I am doing tricks on a motorcycle, like ride standing, lifting it to the rear wheel, on the front and the like ".

Apparently, this love for extremely raised him to acquire the second profession: in parallel with acting, he is also a Cascadener today. "This is my hobby rather. Moreover, much more significant than mountain skiing and surfing, which I am also interesting. I am generally not indifferent to extreme, and I am directly pulling to get another portion of adrenaline, so I recently, for example, overcoming my fear of height, went on a dangerous attached bridge, plus in the future I plan to jump from Tarzanka in the future, and then with a parachute. Here for me it is such an active vacation ideal. I can't lie on the beach for a long time - I need to take a bike and go to explore new places. "

Stanislav Bondarenko:

The star of the film "Streetraisers" loves risk and admits that in ordinary life, too, loves to drive a car

Frame from the movie "Striters"

We all come from childhood

Psychologists say that we all come from childhood. Stanislav admits that in school years he was definitely not an excellent student who was always sitting at home and something tool. The child spent almost all the time with friends in nature. "I remember, in the winter, we drove wide iron layers from huge heat pipes and rode them right on them from our big zoyarened hills, straight to frozen water ... We had a good team, but at eleven years we moved to Moscow at eleven years old All the boys, naturally, lost contact. "

So the person he is very large - just not a lone wolf. Yes, he likes cheerful gatherings, parties, communication. And when he was just worried everywhere, he was very proud of it. Well ... about the first time. And then he began to be increased attention to his person. "From increased attention outside the scene is confused and quickly running away. Not dancing Lezginka. " (Smiles.)

Met - went to the registry office

In a personal life, this speed lover looks like an aliel from the last century. When he met his future spouse - actress Yulia Chipples, immediately made a proposal of his hand and hearts in all the rules.

"Yes, I began to persecute her persistently. (Smiles.) People who grew up by the sea are close to me, and Julia is such. Spectacular, wayward, slightly harmful. (Smiles.) I was at that time twenty-one for me, and I considered my task to marry my task. By this time, I have already experienced a stormy youth with an eternal hang in clubs and wished to somehow be cooled. Therefore, made a proposal, and we went to the registry office.

I really wanted a family. I was born when my mother was seventeen, and dad - eighteen. He himself became the Father only at twenty-three years - consider, seriously late! Cool, when young parents, they are without any problems find a common language with their children. Nonsense, when the forty-male bachelors demonstrate the joy from the fact that the family is not burdened. They definitely envy those who have adult children already. "

Son brand has been eight years old. Stanislav admits that he perceives him as a separate person and tries to educate not too strictly

Son brand has been eight years old. Stanislav admits that he perceives him as a separate person and tries to educate not too strictly


According to Stanislav, together to know the world much more interesting. So he is definitely not from the category of loners. "I had short periods when I was entertained by myself, but they were extremely quickly made. I uncomfortable to hang out somewhere in weightlessness, even if you kind of like anyone should have any owner himself. Yes, I have never been deprived of female attention, but I did not do anything for this. I still have to come home to someone, share your impressions, discuss and do something for someone. In short, I am from those for whom the presence of a beloved strictly necessarily. "

True, with the wife of Julia Chipples today, Stanislav is already divorced. But although they could not be saved, they remained friendly relationships. In addition, the ex-spouses binds the overall son.

"We have an eight-year-old son Mark. I can boast what I taught him: game football, ride and jumping on a special scooter in a skate park. Today he is great performing several tricks. It is clear that he has repeatedly fell, but I am not anxious dad - the guy must be developed. Even in Karting, we often look at the trampoline center. But its main occupation is football. The rest is entertainment. I would also give him to learn to play the guitar, in the section of any martial arts, but somewhat later. In any case, all skills will come in the future. "

Stanislav understands: his son took from each of the parents to a little bit, but nothing specifically repeats any of them. "In principle, I perceive the brand as a completely separate person," says the actor. "And I raise him as hard as my father me." I try to restrain my promises and demand from my son to keep his word. "

For about six months, Bondarenko is not alone. His companion - Aurika Alekhina, ART-Director of the Club

For about six months, Bondarenko is not alone. His companion - Aurika Alekhina, ART-Director of the Club


Significant other

Today, Stanislav is no longer alone. His companion - Aurika Alekhina, Art Director of the Club. "More than six months we are already together. For the first time I saw her in friends on the page at his mototrer Sasha Andreev and asked him to organize such an unknown meeting. She arrived on a small, yooker, a maneuverable car that loves. I was amazed as such a feminine, a fragile girl engaged seems to be a male, brutal sport. We met, then went on a date - and so it all started. Aurika is incredibly sexy, she makes an impression on men with the go. And for me, the main thing was the absolute coincidence of energy. "

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