Slimming Kochan: Simple Cabbage Dishes Recipes


Sometimes I don't want to invent a lunch, and yet I can not pass food, especially if the preparation for the beach season is in full swing. We decided to collect the most simple and at the same time useful for your figure recipes from cabbage - delicious vegetable having fat burning properties.

Fresh cabbage salad with garlic dressing

Light salad, which can be both a full snack and snack for late lunch.

What will take:

- Cabbage - 1 Kachan.

- Garlic - 3 teeth.

- Salt - 1.5 h. L.

- Olive oil to taste.

- Lemon - 1 piece.

As you prepare:

The refueling does not require special time costs - garlic and we ship into the mortar and rub to a homogeneous mass. We pour olive oil into the garlic mass and add lemon juice, mix. Let's refuel the chick refueling cabbage, add dried herbs to taste.

Cabbage meatballs

A simple recipe for vegetable teftelex that will not overload the stomach.

What will take:

- millet - 200 grams.

- Water - 2.5 glasses.

- Cabbage Calais is half a beam.

- Sea salt is half a teaspoon.

- Paprika - 1 tsp.

- Red pepper in flakes - 1 tsp.

- Olive oil - 1 tsp.

- Garlic - 2 teeth.

- Zucchini - half.

As you prepare:

After washing millet, fry garlic on olive oil for about 20 seconds. Add pepper, paprika and salt. We cite a couple of minutes and add water. After boiling, cook for another 15 minutes. Parallel shredding cabbage and zucchini. We add to the frying pan and everything together for about 10 minutes. Then leave under the lid for 15 minutes to millet as much as possible.

Next, they sculpt small meblers and fry on vegetable oil until it turns a thin crust on both sides. Optionally, you can cook any sauce as a refueling.

Pate of cabbage

Original and with this simple recipe for an ideal figure.

What will take:

- Cabbage - 500 gr.

- Kinza - 50 gr.

- Garlic - 5 teeth.

- Walnuts - 40 g.

- Salt to taste.

Preparing a stunning vegetable pate

Preparing a stunning vegetable pate


As you prepare:

We cut cabbage to pieces and drunk in boiling water for 7 minutes. We fold on the colander so that there is no extra fluid. We fold cabbage pieces in a blender. We add to the resulting mass a pre-crushed cilantro, garlic, nuts and salt. We beat again in a blender. The resulting pate can be used both as a sauce and lubricate rice bread for breakfast.

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