Sergey and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov: "Ivanushki" - a purely commercial project, and we are no '


They are bright and popular. Their music is different, but always memorable. Their voices complement each other. Their style is an empty, extravagant and no one like. They do not know the framework and are not shy to be themselves. For the #appolonovgang group is a whole art. Full soloists Sergey and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolone shared, as they get so sincere and real.

1. What do you think, is there a limit of perfection and did your team achieve it?

As the famous said: "There is no limit to excellence." So we do not strive for some abstract perfection, we are always trying to achieve such a point in our work, which would be satisfied in full. In the course of the creative process, all the time you think, finish, it will not be clear that this is theity that we want to show the public.

2. Inside the group, you have a very friendly relationship. Does the participants of one group be friends of comrades? How important is mutual understanding in one team?

For many it is not at all necessary. Participants of some teams may not even talk on non-working topics and know nothing about each other. As for us, such cooperation is not possible for us. Friendship is very important for full work in our duet. Moreover, imagine what force the team acquires, in which such a friendly atmosphere reigns. We feel each other 100% and I thought about one, already voiced by the second.

3. What qualities today should have an artist, taking into account the rapid development of the latest technologies? And what is the key to the success of a good song?

The key to success is a time-consuming work plus a great mood. Quality: The artist should always be ready for the rapid development of progress, as they say, always keep up with the times. To do this, it is necessary to be resistant, "plastic" and be able to convert any innovation that appears, on your own, even more unique, boom.

4. Do you communicate with fans? In what form?

We communicate in our social networks, we answer in the comments, talk daily in stories, arranging surveys on topical topics and conduct live ether. Sometimes we can answer the most interesting questions in private messages.

And of course, we do not refuse our fans in autograph or sharing. Sometimes we can stay after a concert or on the street and support a conversation with our fans.

5. What is more important? Creativity or financial party?

For us, the question of finance never stood an edge. In a creative path, we have already come to sufficiently well. By education, we are both not singers at all. But creativity accompanied us all his life and therefore it was professionally engaged in the only right decision.

6. How to find your bright individuality, your unique and recognizable handwriting performed, composite, filing?

Just do not be shying to your inner "I", do not try to chase yourself with implied ideals, but stick to your own. To be only yourself, do not invent imaginary images, otherwise others will feel false. And, of course, try, mistaken and try again. Then you will find the most desirable cut. And when there is a person who is your kindred soul in creative plan, you are still confidently moving in the desired direction for you.

7. Does creativity end with the appearance of popularity?

Personally, we all with exactly the opposite. With the appearance of popularity, creativity played with new colors. When we feel the support and delight of the viewer, we want to embody everything conceived in reality with the tripled force and do not feel insecurity, thinking: "How will it go? Will it be successful? ". When we are already popular, we releasers such as we want, and then when we consider it necessary, and not for some strict rules. There is a plan, but we do not consider it necessary to blindly follow the path "necessary", which should keep the artist on a popular wave.


8. What is the greater focus on the content of texts or musical sound?

Everything should be worked out to the smallest details - the sound of every note in music and every letter in the text. Therefore, the ideal quintessence is that the text component flawlessly lay onto the musical.

9. How did you achieve harmony in art being yourself? This skill should already be laid in the temperament of the artist or you can work on it? What barriers stood on your way?

We just wanted to be heard and convey our thoughts. Harmony came by himself, when we completely plunged into this process and stopped paying attention to unnecessary criticism. Something must be inside you, for example, a simple desire to show yourself as you are.

We were often compared with the group of our relative Andrei Grigorieva-Appolonov Senior. At first, it did it and, perhaps, was a barrier, because "Ivanushki" is a purely commercial project, and we are not. But over time, the discussion of our similarity and kinship subsided, and we just continued to work.

10. What are unusual images and fantastic ideas do you dream to realize?

We love experiments in all manifestations. Adore to arrange surprises in the most unexpected forms, watching the reaction of people. And we, as already said above, do not do something simply because "it is necessary." So as soon as we get a fresh song or new photos, you will immediately understand everything.

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