5 myths about training in which we believe


During training it is impossible to drink

Indeed, some people feel gravity in the stomach if they drink water during a workout. However, this is an exception, only a confirmation rule: Drinking during sports can be necessary and necessary! Due to the lack of water, the effectiveness of the loads is reduced - with the goal of saving moisture, the vessels are reduced, metabolic processes slow down, sweat production decreases. As a result, you are not only risking to harm the heart, which is not able to pump blood through the narrowed vessels, but also risk getting a heat blow. So in 1984, the Swiss Runcher during the fulfillment of the marathon distance at the Olympic Games could not cross the finish - on the last kilometers because of non-compliance with the girl's drinking mode was bad. The experienced athletes advise to drink water in small sips throughout the workout - about 250-500 ml, depending on the load intensity. To maintain energy, you can add several spoons of powder amino acids to the water - you can buy them at any sports nutrition store.

You can drink and need

You can drink and need

Photo: Pixabay.com.

After training it is impossible to eat

Unskilled coaches advise girls who wanted to lose weight, refrain from eating after classes - alleged appetite is increased, and you will consume exactly as much as "burned" if no more. Others, on the contrary, the first thing after training is eaten fast carbohydrates - banana, cereal bars or drink a heiner. We advise not to listen to neither those nor others. After classes, it is worth waiting for 10-15 minutes so that the pulse recovers is the process of digestion of food will have an additional load on the heart. After some time, eat as usual - it can be a chicken breast with a vegetable mixture and any cereal or protein cocktail. Feel your body and eat when you want, at least 10 pm - there will be no harm for the figure. It is important that the food fit into the daily calimament, and the time of its consumption does not matter.

Cardio training helps to lose weight

Girls who have just begun to engage in the gym and have a tangible excess weight, advise first to reset it at the expense of Cardio training. We partly agree with this advice. Indeed, aerobic workouts help strengthen the heart and vessels, having prepared them to more severe loads like power exercises. However, if you do not have excess weight, you can successfully clean yourself in a form that combines both types of loads. It has been proven that with aerobic training, most calories are "burned" during classes, with anaerobic - already after it. Do not hurry to run into the hall if you eaten a chocolate or went beyond the daytime emission - nothing will be from one "violation" of the regime.

Cardio training should be combined with power

Cardio training should be combined with power

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Training should last a little more than an hour

Do not look at men whose training process is somewhat different. They really train for 1-1.5 hours due to a large break between approaches - you need to restore the strength to raise the weight installed on the bar. Women do not advise stretching the workout at such a time - 30-40 minutes is enough to perform 5-6 exercises in several approaches. The rest between approaches should last 20-30 seconds. If you exercise a training in an intense pace, then not only save time, but also see the result faster. Start with the basic exercises - squats, beast lying, rodged traction - and go to work on individual muscles in order to "finish" them.

Knees should not go for socks

It is even surprising that during training on coaches, the future mentors said so many years that knees cannot go beyond the socks at the bottom point of squats. They transferred incorrect information to their wards, those to friends. The myth rummaged so widely that the majority still with confident kind are told him. In fact, everything is explained by the physiology - all people have different people. If your knees are flexible and you do not feel discomfort while doing exercise, then there is no risk to damage the knee cup or a fallen tendon. To maintain the health of the joints, drink collagen, calcium and twist right.

knees can go for socks

knees can go for socks

Photo: Pixabay.com.

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