Sensual History of Ghost


The script is based on Jane Goldman, Bestseller Susan Hill, published in 1982. The writer did not expect such a rich life in any way that her book was waiting for such a rich life. Already now, the novel was removed by television, the performance was put and recorded radio. Now this list also will be replenished with a film.

"After all, you do not write a book with the expectation on the screen being, right? - Smiling Susan. - You just write a book. And then, if it is successful, others are taken for it. "

The plot is based on the mystical trip of the young London lawyer Arthur Kipps, who is playing Daniel Radcliffe, who is forced to leave his three-year-old son and go on a business trip to a secluded northern village. He will have to draw up the register of documents left after the owner's death of the estate or march. Reaching to the place, and talking to not quite hospitable locals, he begins to understand that the shadow of the gloomy mystery hung over the village. When a mysterious woman in black clothes come close to his eyes next to the old cemetery, and without the unfailing trip, it turns around by a nightmare. An insignificant, it would seem that the incident marks the beginning of a turn of the death of the blood of deaths in families of the country's inhabitants.

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"Arthur is a very difficult hero, it feels in nature," says Radcliffe.

The director of the picture James Watkins believed that the role of the main character of the actor should play a young talented actor, in the image of which would be combined sadness and vulnerability. And it was Daniel Radcliffe who perfectly approached Uyankinson.

"For the first time having met Dan, we talked for a long time and came to the conclusion that I see the main character in the same way," the director explained. - Arthur Kipps - a very deep character. Dano such a hero was not difficult to play on one side, but on the other - it is interesting. "

"The scenario fell into the hands of Daniel for some lucky chance," says Producer Richard Jackson. "He" swallowed "him in the plane while she flew to the states. As soon as he came down from the ladder, called his agent and said that he wanted to get this role. "

Radcliffe understood that he should somehow distance themselves from the role of a young wizard, who brought him popularity.

The actor admitted: "I am very proud of Potter. But now it's time to prove to the audience that I am a serious actor who can play different roles. And for this, of course, there must be a corresponding interesting material. " After reading the scenario, Radcliffe finally made sure that the role of Arthur Kipps - exactly what he needed.

Daniel Radcliffe on the Russian Premiere of the film.

Daniel Radcliffe on the Russian Premiere of the film.

"Arthur is a very difficult hero, it feels character," says the actor. "I was very interested to play such a person."

But the most mysterious role in the film, of course, female. Liz White, who played the heroine-ghost, believes that her character has to himself. "When I read the script, unwittingly penetrated her grief from the loss of the Son and the mental suffering, which this event caused," says the actress. "She dismissed in her sister, father, a consolidated brother - in a word, all close people. When she witnessed how the sister left her child for a mercy of fate, it literally broke her heart. "

White says the costumes and makeup helped her get into the image. "Everyone immediately starts to figure you out," she remembers. "You can try to look into the interlocutors in the eyes, but they turn away." This state of alienation helped to impregnate with emotions that overwhelmed my heroine. Playing such a role is very difficult, but interesting. After all, the inner world of the hero is formed only in your imagination. For the actor it is entertainment. "

The daily transformation process of White in the ghost was long and painstaking. "I came to the dressing room for about two hours before the" make-up "team sounded for all other actors," recalls the actress. - My makeup consisted of three different layers of a certain adhesive substance, which they looked at my face and open areas of the body. My heroine in ideas spent a long time spent in the ground - make-up should emphasize the results of the decomposition. "

As a result, the viewer appears the opportunity to see a qualitatively new chapter in the history of the thriller: a film in which fear is the nature of the variability, the subtleties of perception.

"I wanted to remove the sensual story about the ghost, in which there would be some raid of gloomy and fear, the growing sense of danger and anxiety," explains the director. - I tried to avoid stamps of classic horror strokes. A window can swim in the frame, and the viewer is breaking: "There was something flashed in the window? Or did it seem? "You will notice this" something "only the edge of the eye. For me, such a woman in black - much more worse than frankly repulsive physiognomy for the whole screen. "

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