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When Michelle Pistor has formulated the basic principles of mesotherapy over 50 years ago, it is unlikely to foresee that his technique will become so popular and that people around the world will voluntarily go to injections to become beautiful and slender.

One of the advantages of this method is that the active substances are introduced in low concentrations and are local, almost not penetrating into the overall bloodstream (consequently, the risk of side effects is much lower than with systemic use). You can glue an exceptionally problem zone, without affecting the rest of the sections, which is very convenient when the local fat deposits are corrected. In addition to direct exposure to the active ingredients, mesotherapy has an acupuncture effect (acupuncture), since the irritation from the needle contributes to the stimulation of non-specific immunity factors. In addition, after the course of subcutaneous injections, the local reserve of the necessary beneficial substances is created, which is enough for quite a long time - from six months to one and a half years.

The pharmacological arsenal of therapeutic and cosmetic drugs for mesotherapy is wide enough, it is only important to decide which problem to deal with.

Cellulite - no!

"Until 1998, cosmetologists, solving the problem of the" orange peel ", were more focused on the fat itself, rather than in the general state of tissues," says Alexander Southenko, a doctor and coach expert company Mesopharm. - But, as we now know, the unevenness of the skin arise even in very thin girls, who will not accuse in excess weight.

Cellulite in most cases begins with damage to the capillaries and deterioration of microcirculation as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, genetic predisposition, as well as during pregnancy and in the adolescence. In addition, all fair sex representatives have a more loose structure of connective tissue fibers. The dumpiness of the subcutaneous fat layer initially arises due to local edema, which squeezes the lymphatic vessels and veins. The poor work of the vessels leads to the fact that the surrounding tissues feel a sharp shortage of oxygen and nutrition, the outflow of cell metabolism products makes it difficult, the permeability of the membrane of fat cells deteriorates.

When sclerosis of interdollastic partitions is formed, fat cells are unevenly accumulated between a more loose connective tissue - from here the "orange" relief of the skin. At this stage, the main tasks of therapy are to improve the lymphodenage, strengthen the vessels and remove the connective tissue spikes between the fat tissue slices to ensure the normal functioning of the cells and activate the fat exchange. For this, drugs are selected, accelerating the movement of lymphs, which improve the microcirculation of blood, removing the swelling. The composition of the mesococciings most often encountered such components as:

Extract Ginkgo Biloba . It normalizes metabolic processes in cells, improves the blood circulation and supply of oxygen tissues, prevents the oxidation of lipids and the formation of free radicals, relieves swelling well;

Melilot extract - bioflavonoid, which regulates the permeability of capillaries, tones the veins, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system;

Trokserutin and Rutin - venotonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, antioxidant substances that strengthen the vascular grid;

Artichoke extract . It stimulates immune defense, activates cellular exchange, contributes to the removal of various toxins.

No need to say that all the listed ingredients help not only with cellulite, but also in venous insufficiency and fragile, brittle capillaries.

A complete lymphatic value consists of 4-6 procedures DVLCAPYL, DVL, DVLEXTRA drugs from Mesopharm, which are well combined with hardware techniques and lymphatic drainage massage.

At the next stage, in parallel with drainage procedures, injections of lipolithics (substances that destroy fat) are carried out. When cellulite, a fat fabric loses the ability to split fats normally and release fatty acids. To enhance lipolysis and accelerate metabolic processes in fatty cells, various drugs are used, for example:

caffeine . It breaks fat deposits, reduces tissue fibrosity, stimulates metabolic processes;

Jochimbe - Alphaadrenobloclocator of plant origin. Improves blood circulation, has a tonic effect, prevents the accumulation of fat with cells;

Green tea extract . This is a fat burner, it binds lipid fractions and activates the elimination of fats from the body, normalizes the local metabolism, strengthens and increases the elasticity of vascular walls;

Fukus extract . It is saturated with iodine, polysaccharides and biologically active substances. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and other components of the extracellular substance of the dermis, tones the vessels, accelerates fat burning.

Lipolytic preparations are delivered to a depth of 4-6 mm, that is, directly to the receptors responsible for the production of fat cells. In addition, the cocktail contains substances that ensure the output of the decay products through the cell membranes - it includes L-carnitine. Depending on the cellulite stage, it may be necessary to need from 4 to 8 lemping procedures and the introduction of lipolithics (complex Cocktails Phyto Slim, Lipo Stop, Body Slim from Mesopharm) at intervals per week. Moreover, at the 3rd and 4th stages, the ratio of the ingredients will increase in the direction of fat burning agents. "

Will we do the waist?

Mesotherapy allows not only to get rid of uneven skin relief, but also adjust local fat. "However, it is necessary to understand that only surgical liposuction (as well as an active lifestyle) can cope with significant fatty deposits (as well as an active lifestyle). "But if you need to remove a couple of extra centimeters, a good service will serve injectable lipolysis. In contrast to conventional mesotherapy, drugs are introduced into a large depth - 10-13 mm, and their composition is saturated with substances capable of dissolving subcutaneous fat in a short time in traditionally problem areas: on the waist, abdomen, hips, over his knees and foreigners. For these purposes, phosphatidylcholine (FTH) is most often used - phospholipid, which regulates the operation of all cellular mechanisms, normalizes the disturbed lipid exchange, restores local immunity and, most importantly, dissolves fats. However, it is necessary to apply it in a complex with another substance - sodium deoxycholate. Deoxycholate sodium is a bile salt. It makes the fat cell membrane more permeable and opens the entrance for phosphati dilholine, which rushes into the "gate opened" and begins to melting fat in the cell. Then dissolved fat rushes into the intercellular space

and is displayed using a lymphosystem through the liver. The use of preparations containing a combination of 5% phosphatidylcholine and 2-2.6% deoxycholate is optimal and safe. As, for example, in the PHDC preparation from MesoPharm Mesolab laboratory.

Mesotherapy allows not only to get rid of uneven skin relief, but also adjust local fat. Photo: fotolia /

Mesotherapy allows not only to get rid of uneven skin relief, but also adjust local fat. Photo: fotolia /

The procedure is carried out no more than once every 10-14 days, after the first two sessions, there may be a burning sensation and painful sensations in the field of injection, which are removed by self-massage. For one session of mesotherapy, it is possible to combine the introduction of different types of drugs, such as lymphatic drainage (more superficially) and lipolystics (at depth), but, as a rule, a break of 3-5 days between them is made between them. The most popular question in mesotherapy patients: whether fat will return? It will return if not adhere to reasonable nutrition restrictions. On the other hand, even on the last time of the zone weight set, where injection lipolysis was carried out, to a lesser extent to increase in volume. "

Health - in the spotlight

"It is important to understand that the body's mesotherapy gives not only a cosmetic, but also the healing effect," says Maria Chevychalov, a dermatochaeologist, head of the Cosmetology Department of the Aurora clinic. - Now many people have problems with microcirculation in limbs associated with a sedentary lifestyle. From here - a tendency to swells

and venous insufficiency, which is a real eyelid disease. Therefore, even if the patient comes with cellulite complaints, the first thing is the procedure of lymphatic drainage with lymph and vetoniconics to remove edema and improve blood supply. Separate courses to improve the state of the vessels can be recommended to almost everyone without exception, and especially before long flights, for prevention of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis. Here we use solutions with routine, vitamin C, moullot extract, artichoke, ginkgo biloba.

After 2-3 procedures often occur the exacerbation of cellulite. This is due to the fact that the swelling and the "orange peel" appears in all its glory. It is not worth it to be afraid, because at the next stage of therapy, the blow is applied directly by fibrous tissue and hypertrophied fat cells, which create a "Martian" relief. There are preparations that break fibrous spikes and improving the condition of the connective tissue, and with a significant accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the lip-litik is connected. Detox-preparations are prescribed to the patient inwards, contributing to the purification of the body, as well as the reinforcing vessels of vegetable-vitamin supplements. The fact is that during the course of mesotherapy, the patient can feel degradation of well-being due to the active exit of toxins, the years consisted in fat cells. The reception of vitamin and cleansing additives facilitates the patient's condition, strengthens the vascular wall and contributes to the complex correction of the figure.

At the final stage, preparations that improve the tone and the structure of the skin are used. These include hyaluronic acid, organic silicon, vitamin C. Most of all, they are needed on such problem areas, as the inner surface of the hip, the area of ​​forearm, buttocks and knees. "

Caring for leather

"Talking about the possibilities of mesotherapy on the body, it is worth mentioning drugs that allow you to improve the quality of the skin after the subcutaneous fluid tissue is given to normal," says Ekaterina Miladinova, a doctor-dermatocosmetologist of the Medisp 1 Medical Center. - Very often, with cellulite, there is a reduced skin tone and a pale gray shade of cover. A mesotherapeutic lotion with organic silicon Silorgses Nano Meso Solutions from Lipoceutical (Sesderma Laboratories) comes to the rescue. Modern nanotechnology allowed to conclude active ingredients, in this case silicon, into single-layer liposomes with a diameter of 101.8 nm. Due to such small dimensions, liposomes are easily penetrated into a given depth, the active substance is given to target cells, launching rehabilitation processes. As a result, the effectiveness of mesotherapy rises several times. Organic silicon stimulates the synthesis of fibroblasts, protects collagen and elastin from degradation, normalizes cellular metabolism, has an antioxidant and moisturizing effect. The full course includes 10 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. If the skin is dry, lifeless, sluggish, breathe life will help her lotion with the placenta Placences Nano Meso Solution from Lipoceutical (Sesderma Laboratories). It activates the main cellular function of the skin, reconstructs and revitalizes the skin, supplies it with a necessary set of amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins and trace elements. The skin receives deep moisturizing and nutrition, its relief is leveling, elasticity and density increases.

The uniqueness of the mesopreparations Lipoceutical is the possibility of combining them among themselves for the best result. For example, with stretch marks with which, as you know, it is very difficult to fight, we use a solution of placenta, silicon and DMAE, which makes it possible to effectively deal with rainy, especially recently appeared.

Due to the unique nanoformula injection, the introduction of drugs does not cause intelligible sensations. Preparations are instantly distributed under the skin, not leaving papules.

The result obtained after the full course of mesotherapy is preserved 3 -4 months, after which supporting procedures are recommended. "

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