Company's secret"


Called by the hostage in his own business, to get out of which - it means to sign a death sentence, Mitch decides to take risks, opposing a criminal clan. And, by providing themselves with influential enemies, it falls under the FBI Witness Program. The events of the new adventure TV series "Firm" unfold up ten years after this story. Mitch McDir begins a new career in Washington and, together with his wife, is trying to adapt to a new life after a long age of isolation, but understands that it is not so easy to get rid of the troubles of his past.

Company's secret

The plot of the series is based on the bestseller of the modern American writer John Grisham, whose books have repeatedly been shielded by the best director of American cinema. By the way, this time the author himself took part in writing the script. So, thanks to the wit, with whom a new story is written, she should not disappoint the fans of intellectual cinema, and the exciting plot will appreciate the connoisseurs of militants.

The main roles in the "firm" went to Joshu Lucas (Mitch McDir), known for the paintings of the "Mind Games", Lincoln for a lawyer, and Molly Parker (Abby McDir), shot in the film "Dead Forest" film. Juliet Lewis ("What Gilbert Grape", "Inborn Killers", "From Sunset to Dawn") will play Mitch's assistant, Tammy Hemphill, and Callum Kit Renny ("Alpha People") will be the elder brother Mitch, Ray, who is now working on McDir, providing its information. The film also starred Trisha Helfer ("Supernatural"), Natasha Kalis ("Alice in Wonderland"), Sean Majumder ("24 hours").

In America, the series started on the NBC channel, the Russian audience will see it from February 19 on the Sony Entertainment channel.

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