Doctor artist! Stars affected during concerts


Enrique Iglesias

On Saturday, during the concert, Enrique Iglesias in Tihuana (Mexico) gathered in the hall of twelve thousand spectators waited for a bloody drama. Their idols have almost lost his fingers on their right hand. "During the show over the scene, a radio-controlled camera, which takes away the crowd of spectators from above. Sometimes, during the performances, Enrique takes this camera in his hands to make an interesting frame, "said the press agent Iglesiaas Joe Bonillus later. - But this time something went wrong. Enrique sharply cut down two fingers on his right hand. At the edge of the scene, the staff provided him first aid, trying to stop blood. The cuts were imposed on the cuts, but the wound continued to bleed. Enrique offered to stop the show, but he decided to continue the concert. And she sang another thirty minutes. In some moments, Enrique hid a hand behind his back. But when his whole white T-shirt was swapped with blood, he even tried to laugh at the situation and draw the heart with blood on his chest. "

At the end of the show, Ilelesias was urgently delivered to the airport, from where she flew out to Los Angeles, where he was already waiting for doctors. Unfortunately, damage turned out to be very serious. "The operation lasted slightly longer than it was supposed, as the injury was much worse than seemed at first glance. He has a fracture that had to be corrected. In addition, it took him a reconstructive-plastic surgery. A few weeks will leave for recovery, but the forecast for complete recovery is very favorable, "the representatives of the singer reported.

Fans of the star, having learned about what happened, in support, they scored Iglesias by photographs of their hands and palms with drawn hearts and inscriptions in different languages: "Enrique, we love you."

Madonna while performing on Brit Awards. Photo:

Madonna while performing on Brit Awards. Photo:


In February of this year, Madonna, speaking at the Brit Award ceremony, fell from the scene, flights through several steps, in the auditorium. According to the scenario, at that moment, when the singer stood on the very edge of the scene back to the audience, the dancers had to pull the long heavy cape from her shoulders. But the actress did not have time to unleash the ribbons. And when men jerked behind the edges of the capes, the ribbons hurt in the neck of Madonna. In order not to be strangled, the singer preferred to succumb to the movements of the dancers and after the cape of the cuckarer flew down and fell back on the floor. Fortunately, the star did not suffer, having tried only with light bruises, and finished the performance.

Justin Bieber. Photo:

Justin Bieber. Photo:

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber can be considered a record holder in the number of accidents that took place with him on the scene. In 2009, he broke his leg during his concert in London, but did not leave the audience until she did not give the song. In 2010, the singer injured his knee in Cleveland. In March 2012, Bieber hit his foot in Antwerp, almost falling from the staircase that served decoration. And in May of the same year, a concussion of the brain earned himself, hanged into the glass door behind the scenes of the show in Paris. But still returned to the scene. Only once Justin left the audience. In 2013, during a concert in São Paulo, he received a blow on the head of a plastic bottle thrown by someone from the audience. And although, fortunately, it cost without injury, the singer was offended by such behavior of fans.

Pink. Photo:

Pink. Photo:


Pink's speech in Nuremberg (Germany) in July 2010 ended for singer with a hospital bed. The singer should have fulfilled a complex acrobatic trick, rising into the air above the auditorium in a special adaptation attached to the rope. However, one of the cables broke down, and the actress, wrinkled was up, flew the edge of the scene and fell into the hall, hitting the fence. A minute later, Pink itself got on his feet and climbed back to the stage, but the surroundings of the singer insisted at the cessation of the concert. The star was urgently delivered to the hospital. "No fractures, no fluid in the lungs, just strong bruises," a little later reassured his pink fans through the Twitter.

Britney Spears. Photo:

Britney Spears. Photo:

Britney Spears

In April of this year, during his show in Las Vegas, Britney Spears won an ankle. Dancing, the singer slipped on high studs and fell on the floor. The face of the star distorted pain, but with the help of dancers she was able to rise to his feet again and continue the song. Moreover, Britney brought her performance to the end. However, from jumping on stage she had to abandon, allowing to provide choreographic support of the show to his dancers. Also, Spears was forced to cancel the two subsequent concerts so that her damaged leg, climbing in a special medical "boot", was able to quickly fully recover.

Beyonce. Photo:

Beyonce. Photo:


Beyonce has repeatedly become the victim of his high heels, in which she performs during concerts. In 2007, in Orlando, the singer came on the floor of his long dress and fell face down, twelve steps leading to the scene. The star quickly came to myself and after a moment she continued to speak. But the spectators seemed frightened by the favorite showed blood on the leg of the artist. However, Beyonce representatives later assured that she did not receive injuries. And the singer herself asked witnesses that did not post the video with her drop in the Internet. In 2010, Beyonce was not kept on his legs during his show in Sao Paulo, and in 2014 stretched out on stage in Lisbon. And these times, the star representatives tried to reduce the spread of the video of the singer in the network.

Group U2. Edge - second left. Photo:

Group U2. Edge - second left. Photo:


World Tour U2 2015 "Innocence + Experience" could become the shortest in the history of the team. May 14 During his first concert in Vancouver, the guitarist of the EJ Group fell from the scene. At the same time, the musician did not jump, did not perform some incredible tricks, and slowly walked. And suddenly disappeared from the field of view and their colleagues and viewers. As Ej's himself later told, he was sure that he was moving along the edge of the scene, and, stepping down, did not notice that the emptiness was already under his right foot. As a result, the guitarist fell into the auditorium on the side almost from the height of its own growth. Fortunately, EJ was separated by a light fright and several abrasions. Although, according to Rocker himself, it's just a miracle, and the fall could turn into much more deposit.

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