Tobacco question: skin care rules, if you smoke


It is no secret that smoking actively affects all processes in our organism, including the exchange processes occurring in the skin. However, the correct care will allow you to reduce it. If not all, most of the negative consequences of our habits.

Cleaning in the first place

Of course, careful cleansing of the skin is necessary to absolutely everyone, but smokers should pay special attention to this moment. If you smoke for many years, the production of collagen and elastin gradually decreases, and the thing is that you do not pay due attention to the daily cleansing at least twice a day. Your task is to remove toxins from the skin surface. In addition to the fact that the tool must be selected by the type of skin, make sure that it does not contain in the composition of alcohol, which will only aggravate the problem of the dim color of the face and the loss of skin elasticity.

Pay special attention to the skin around the eyes

Pay special attention to the skin around the eyes


Give the skin quality nutrition

One of the frequent problems of smokers is oxygen starvation of the skin. In this case, the problem is solved by the selection of an effective nutritional cream, which will save the code from the earthly shade, if you smoke too much. The composition of the caring cream should include useful oil for skin, such as cocoa oil or jojoba, and also pay attention to the content of glycerol and hyaluronic acid. If necessary, consult with a dermatologist about the feasibility of using vitamin E course.

Masks increase tone

As we have said, the loss of collagen is the process with which everyone faces, and smokers need to pay filling collagen special attention. You will come to the rescue masks designed to increase the elasticity and skin tone. Again, we take into account not only the problem, but also age - the older we become, the more active must be the components of the mask. At the same time, you can make toning masks yourself in order not to doubt the natural and security of the composition.

We work out each site

The most delicate part of the face is considered to be the area around the eyes: the skin in this place is incredibly thin and susceptible. In addition to smoking, we are constantly pushing, ignore the Sanskrins and forget about purification, as a result, the grid of wrinkles "attacks" the area around the eye first. Try to pick up a suitable remedy with a cosmetologist, as the independent selection is not always effective and often brings even more problems, like deep wrinkles due to the unsuitable means.

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