Jennifer Lopez is accused of debauchery


A recent concert Jennifer Lopez in Morocco threatens singer by a trial. The Pop Star show took place within the framework of the Music Festival "Rhythms of the World" in Rabat and no one has aroused complaints. However, later, Jay Lo's performance was shown on local television. And conservatively configured TV viewers could not serpest that debauchery that they saw on the screen.

Jennifer performed in the most familiar costume for all her fans: a brilliant corset with high cuts on the hips and deep neckline and mesh tights. During the show of the singer and her no less frankly dressed dancers, as usual, actively moved by the buttocks and bust. But all these standard for the speech of Lopez attributes were perceived by some Moroccan citizens as actions, disclusing and insulting feelings of women.

Therefore, against Lopez and representatives of the TV channel, which dreamed showing her concert in their air, prepare judicial claims. And especially zero spectators even require the resignation of the Minister of Culture Morocco Mustafa Khalifi, who made a similar on top of the local TV.

If it comes to court, and Jennifer Lopez recognize the guilty, then pop star, in Moroccan laws, threatens to two years in prison. But this in court has not yet happened.

Representatives of the singer so far abstracted from comments.

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