Vanilla will help to lose weight


Vanilla is rightfully considered one of the most expensive spices in the world. No, no, we are not talking about that white powder in small paper bags that are sold in the spice department of any supermarket. This is just vanillin - a cheap synthetic analogue of the precious spice. The vanilla itself is long wrinkled dark brown pods whose seeds have truly fantastic properties. Without exaggeration, you can say: in these unbreakable black grains they hide the key, which unlocks any doors. Still do not believe? Then try to remember which associations you have when you smell vanilla. Sweet buns, which long ago, in childhood, baked your mom, intricate pastries in the showcake of the French bakery, Easter cake ... In short, all that causes a feeling of comfort, home heat, security, which is so desirable and sweet - and taste , and to the touch. On the opposite floor, the fragrance of vanilla, which comes from a woman, affects the same way.

There is a simple explanation: the vanilla seeds have vanilla vanity act on the central nervous system, provoking the production of serotonin - the so-called hormone of happiness. It guarantees the rise of mood, affects emotional stability, helping to cope with stressful situations, and even causes a feeling of satiety. By the way, it is for this reason that Vanilla helps to lose weight. Its fragrance reduces appetite.

As you can see, some solid pluses. And they skillfully use entrepreneurs, spraying in boutiques, large shopping centers and shops created specifically for the premises of a sweet vanilla fragrance. Under its influence, we are where you willingly make purchases.

In fact, the miraculous properties of Vanilla are known from time immemorial. The first of them learned the Indians (during the rule of the emperor of Aztecs, Montesum pods were even used as a monetary unit). However, this spice in Europe fell relatively recently, only in the XV century. And all thanks to Christopher Columbus, who took Vanilla in Nicaragua. Visiting the local ruler, the traveler had a chance to try a chocolate drink with the addition of vanilla. The spice was like him to taste that Columbus returned home, immersing the ship along with coffee beans and dickens and dark fragrant pods in the bag. Europeans came up with adding vanilla in baking, more precisely, this idea was suggested by the master of Queen Elizabeth I. At one time in France, it was insanely fashionably smoking tobacco with this spice. But Vanilla became especially popular after the labor of the German researcher of Zimmerman's Bizar. It said that the grains of vanilla possess exceptional exciting properties. According to modern research, the scientist husband was right, Vanilla is really powerful Aphrodisiac - the present "weapon of mass lesion." And they do not use sin to achieve their goals.

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