Alien among their own: how to calculate "ours" abroad


"The fight in the Turkish hotel", "our restaurant in Spain" - video with similar names fall almost in the top of famous video tongs. Moreover, among foreigners, legends also go on Russian tourists, especially in the most popular directions.

What is interesting, we ourselves often calculate fellow citizens, being on vacation. How does it work? We decided to figure out.

Russian tourist - Thunderstorm hotels and restaurants in popular resorts

Russian tourist - Thunderstorm hotels and restaurants in popular resorts



As the Russians themselves say, gloomy face and some restraint are issued. But is it? After all, there are peoples who will give us a hundred points ahead for the uncommunicable - Scandinavians, for example. In addition, even if you pull a smile to the ears, you still can be seen "ours".

First, the Russian person in most cases is alien to a sense of danger. When the guide says that it is impossible to approach the cliff, but you notice the sanguilding figure behind the back of the guide - this is exactly our. The same refers to closed beaches and other territories with limited access. Russian is wondering, it means that he goes there.

Psychologists explain this phenomenon with a genetic burden to everything, which is a ban, and the fullest negation of potential danger.


Our person is important to be the first always and everywhere: at the airport, in line in the clinic, in the subway - the list can be continued infinitely. We get up the very first to enter the car, which is still to go for about 20 minutes. This can also take care of mass events in order not to stand in the queue in the wardrobe.

Disrespect of other people's orders

This item refers far from all, but since such a person will meet, he will not forget. In a public place, somewhere in the center of Munich, such a person will sit in the restaurant overflowed by the Germans and to be outraged by the quality and number of food, and will also express everything that he thinks about the country as a whole and in particular.

We are alien to the feeling of danger

We are alien to the feeling of danger


I paid, I will take

All that can be taken unnoticed and for which they will not take a big fine, will be withdrawn from the number of the resourceful tourist: be it slippers, a hat for a shower, even towels and bathrobes. Moreover, people are very proud of this feature, with enthusiasm talking about their exploits to friends and family, along the way, demonstrating trophies.


As for men, it is, of course, a haircut with a crutop in the absence of other hair on the head.

The girls are not lagging behind in the cloth, putting on everything and immediately. Does not love with our young lady to Taturation, where you can do it. It is good that now girls, and young people gradually move away from such images, as many opportunities have appeared to learn the topic and learn how to dress, paint and behave adequately.

We are also calculated according to the characteristic features of the face - Slavic. The bottom line is that our faces are rounded, without sharp cheekbones, without special accents. However, given the multinationality of our country, these features are very conditional.

Russian girls enjoy mad popular among foreigners

Russian girls enjoy mad popular among foreigners


Mysterious Russian soul

We are talking about a combination of habits that foreigners cannot explain:

There is a secret rule that is expensive to many people in our country, especially the residents of the province: we can only scold our country, the rest is forbidden to do this, and, do not give God, our compatriot will hear unilent feedback from some British or Frenchman - an international scandal within One hotel will inevit.

At the same time, all this does not interfere with us to be proud of the fact that we are often taken abroad for representatives of other nations. So, almost any woman will be nice if somewhere in Spain they are confused with a Frenchwoman.

We can find something Russian in foreigners. It costs at least one foreign friend to express the thought similar to ours, everything - friend-expat turns into a brother and involuntarily acquires a Russian name in narrow circles.


We can leave for coffee tips, exceeding the cost of the drink itself, because "uncomfortable somehow a trifle to leave." Our person will give the last stranger in trouble, can treat all visitors to the bar. What? Russia is a generous soul.

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