Rinal Mukhametov: "It turned out to be wild, crazy love, not love"


Rinal Muhametov noted after the role of D 'Artanyan in the film Sergey Zhigunov "Three Musketeers", where his hero of all fascinated with his charming smile. And with the "attraction" of Fyodor Bondarchuk, he broke literally as a meteorite in the ranks of the most vivid young actors. Big resonance caused the series "Optimists" with his participation, and not so long ago the drama "Cold Tango" was released on the screens, where Rinal played the main male role in partnership with Julia Peresilde. In his personal life, he also has everything in the Hamburg account. For several years he was happily married, but it turned out that the biggest love was waiting for him next.

- Rinal, you almost always meet for interviews, like now, in the Gogol Center, where to serve. You are not very comfortable to do it in a public place, where will you know?

- It's just a good place, here cozy, I feel almost like at home. And, by the way, there is no pathos here, although it is often imputed to us for some reason. This is the place of creators, art, an outdoor platform for young ambitious artists. Many places constantly play music loudly and loudly. Here quietly, and everything has a conversation. And the views do not scare me, and the attention of people does not torment. In addition, I can not say that they will be recognized at every corner. Attentive not yet spoiled, maybe it's for the better. And I am not very often visiting large-scale activities of a secular character, I try to avoid it.

- Are you invited often? You are such a stylish young man.

- Previously, I was not often invited, and after the film Fedor Sergeevich Bondarchuk "Attraction" a wave went. (Smiles.)

- And what, after the "three musketeers" did not happen, the recognizability was another kind?

- Yes, the recognition was different. Now thanks to Alexey Agranovich, together with Peter Fedorov, he led the opening ceremony of the "Kinutaur", was very worried, but he felt that people were glad to see me. And it is very nice. In general, it was a feeling that the city smiles at me. There I met stunning, interesting personalities. This is largely valuable by our acting life. For example, at the very first film "Atonement" I met with Viktor Sukhorukov, and this is a strongest impression, with an amazing Sergey Dreden, with an incredible Andrei Panin, the kingdom of heaven. So life is pamping me.

- Fame brought to you a movie, but, as I understand it, the scene do you like an actor even more?

- I love a movie very much, but I consider myself a scenic drug addict. When everything turns out during the performance, you experience incredible sensations. Therefore, when suddenly you stay without a scene ... I talked to Matrahm, and those who passed this, say it is scary. One big artist told me: "You know, it happens, sit down and think:" Is everything really? ". I recently looked a stunning film about Belmondo, and I liked his phrase insanely: "I starred in everything, because I was afraid that everything would end." It seems to me that we are very similar. At the same time, it was enough for a family, he paid a lot of time, which is also very important. There are different people, but, as a rule, all the great artists are extremely compacted and very aggressive look at the world. I am glad that it is designed so that I optomically perceive reality. True, now began to filter people a little bit, because, unfortunately, there is little truth in our lives, and I am always since sincerity. And when I see such a person, I discover with great joy to communicate.

Shirt, Henry Cotton's; MCS vest; Clock, model L.U.C Time Traveler One Moscow, Chopard

Shirt, Henry Cotton's; MCS vest; Clock, model L.U.C Time Traveler One Moscow, Chopard

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Do you share life and work? It seems to me that in the acting profession it is difficult. Your partner in the film "Cold Tango" Julia Peresilde admits that it is impossible for her ...

- Oh, Julia! Amazing lady, lady, mother, man. I agree with her. Our life is closely intertwined with work. And often conversations with loved ones are spinning around the profession. Just need to understand who and what can be told. I thought I had a lot of friends, and it turns out, there are few of them. My true faithful friend, in essence, the only one that always listens and supports, is my beloved Suzanne.

- Are you no longer ready to open to the end of anyone, except for the beloved and most native people, because you are afraid of shocks, betrayal?

- The matter is not even in shuffles, but in what I realized that most of the life of other people are not interesting, and, telling something deeply personal, you just fool yourself feel. But they can and hit "Nude" and a weak place.

- You believe in miracles. A meeting with Chukhray can be attributed to them?

- Of course yes. But I immediately began to worry, because it is a big artist, another school. I understood that it would be difficult. But with Paul Grigorievich, I tried to find a common language with each other, as, by the way, with Yules. We argued for a long time, because we have all the different perception of art. That is, we spoke about the same thing, but from different points of view and positions. And then we understood it and calmed down. Thanks that Pavel Grigorievich was condescending to me and allowed him to speak.

- The same Julia told me that he was very tormented by you, pulling out everything with a clue, in which, in her opinion, a lot of hidden pain ...

- Yes, he got the intimate, and I don't like it very much. When we were interviewed from Julia on the last shooting day, then the journalist handed me out: "Julia wished you to such films, like a cold tango, in your life it was as much as possible." And I replied: "She said, as cursed." (Laughs.) And we understand this joke with you, and how it will sound from the screen, I do not know. I think I blurted out too much, and Pavel Grigorievich will be upset. But I said it, because for me such pictures are so valuable that I can not repeat them in a lot of quantities, just die. It is very hard as if the film is a diary, where I'm bare, and if someone reads him, see all my weaknesses.

T-shirt, MCS; jacket, freddy; Pants, Aeronautica Militare; Glasses, Furla

T-shirt, MCS; jacket, freddy; Pants, Aeronautica Militare; Glasses, Furla

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Stuttering on your nature greatly influenced or was something else?

- A lot of everything. And when you get into such pictures, everyone is anew. I had a bad childhood enough, and not only because my father did not become in my fourteen years. Many nuances, I do not want to talk about them, but they smoothed through mom, grandparents on my mother's line and Abica with Baba - these are Pope's parents who loved me madly. And Granny loved, but Abika and Babai somehow trembled to me. They so much adoration and admiration in me poured that it could not pass without a trace. All my gentlemen and male qualities brought up. In Abikiki, I lived all early childhood, so she is close to me like no one.

- What did your grandparents do?

- Granny was a teacher of primary classes, he taught a long time at school, then worked as an accountant. Grandpa is a journalist, and he is the only one of our rati was an actor in self-conceiving. And in essence was the actor Babai: And playing the harmony, and sings. And Abika is a creative person, and she is insanely tasty. Mom learned eight years on the piano. In the specialty she is an accountant, but worked at the factory the firing master, this is not easy work, almost in the boiler room. In the nineties, much closed, and suddenly a brick plant was revived, Mom could not miss the received proposal, because it was a real income. On her, the family kept, because the dad had weakness to alcohol, and she all dragged her. First of all, we were with the sister of Angelina, with which I have a difference in four years. We were helped and Abica with Baba. Yes, and the dad in sobriety was very given man, engaged in the Greek-Roman wrestling. I have a sports family at all. Mom helped, but mostly she did everything herself. She is a very proud and strong person. And raised these qualities in me. He taught me to be independent, do not count on anyone. Sometimes, fortunately, her theory breaks, and she is only glad, because people who support me strongly come across.

- Do you find the opportunity to communicate with mom and grandparents?

- I am a very rich man in this sense, because all the grandparents with my grandmothers, the pah-pah-pah, alive, healthy, although old are already, under eighty years. They madly miss me, and it is also cutting them. They understand why we rarely see, but waiting for every day to communicate. I confess, now I infrequently call them, and this, of course, is a big minus. I avoid it, because after calls I start to miss even more. As soon as I hear the voice of Abika or Babai, immediately start to stutter. This is some kind of my pain, so for me every call to fail for a day or two, I can't work. But they do not explain it. And I try to come once a year, at least five days. With mom we call more often.

- Your mother, in my opinion, a subtle man, that is, she gave you an idea to enroll in the Kazan Theater School on the Estal-Circus Faculty?

- She is really a very subtle man, but it was not she suggested. And she was shocked from my decision. Everyone was extremely surprised, even grandpa, but he was so happy! And I am very grateful for it, he always supported me. We prepared together, he suggested me how to read the fastener. In general, everyone was shocked when they found out where I want to do, because I was decently stuttered at that time and did not really know how to work with it.

- Did you drive to those skilled in the art?

- All my life we ​​ran through psychologists, but no one will help you, except you. And also, oddly enough, I do not really give in psychological exposure. The best psychologist for me is me and silence. Some medical luminaries are put on patients - they have such a method, but with me so dialogue will not work. Often I entered the office to the speech therapist and, as it was called, I started to say fluid: "I have a problem - I stutter," and he was surprised: "Where is the problem? I do not see her. So you know how to work with it yourself. " Therefore, I really learned to control the stuttering itself, through communication with myself. But, of course, in my life everything changed love.

- How do you feel about your appearance?

- I never considered myself an attractive man before entering the Kazan Theater School. There was a stunning girl Aliya, who worked in a good hairdresser. She came with me to a pop-circus compartment with me, and here she once said to me: "Pay attention to the eyebrows, slightly adjust them, removely remove. And you still need to trim it. " I was surprised why all this is done. But she convinced me that a man still should pay attention to his appearance. I began to use gel and other means for laying. (Smiles.) It's like a garden - trees should be correctly formed, hurriches hollow, then it will be beautiful. And when it is launched, unproveless bushes grow around, it seems to be the same garden, but it leaves a feeling of non-accuracy.

Shirt, marina yachting; Clock, model L.U.C GMT One, Chopard

Shirt, marina yachting; Clock, model L.U.C GMT One, Chopard

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- You are stylish and unusually dress. Susanna's wife helps you?

- And how! She has a very good taste in everything, including in terms of style. We love beautiful things very much and even the right shock.

- And if you see a person's talented, but tastelessly dressed, you will not want to communicate with him?

- Why? All can not be the same. If it is a good person, I will treat him perfectly. And maybe he is gorgeous in his dress, and those things that I will be imposed on, he will not go at all. But when such people begin to say: "What are you so frightened?" "Here I can answer:" I am not to blame that you have a bad taste, and next to me you feel uncomfortable. I take you so. But do not insult me, because I basically love beauty and I like to emphasize my external data. " In this case, I will not be silent, it is, in my opinion, right and honest.

- The wife puts up with the fact that you are working almost all the time and, as I think, almost do not rest together?

- We do not arise with this problems. And I have a feeling that my wife is always with me with my daughter. I am sure that when Evia is a little bit grow up (she is just a year), then we will travel a lot together. Already in Spain threesome, but I'm talking about trips to work. Although I do not like when, during the filming, someone is present on the site. And with Susanny, we rested in Italy. And I just fell in love with this country. First, there is a lot of sun, secondly, I liked it insanely, how the Italians look like, their benevolence. One day, a very beautiful woman approached me on the beach and spoke in Italian. Something she asked me, and I, without understanding anything, answered: "Si, Si." And at some question I said again, "Si", and she was so amazed that I had to admit: "Sorry, I Don't Speek Italian." She asked where we, and I replied that from Russia. She did not believe and exclaimed: "No, You Are Italian Guy." And added that she is very sorry that I do not know the language, because she was very nice to communicate with such a beautiful man. For them, it is normal to say such words to a stranger. I would take all my relatives to Italy, because I was so nice to look at their grandmothers, who support children, grandchildren ... they go in snow-white dresses, arrange discos. It's fine! One pleasure to watch them.

- What feelings do you feed to Moscow?

- I love Moscow very much. In my perception, Moscow is a magnificent woman who took me and cherishes, for which she is so much thanks. She made me today, introduced me to the magnificent Master-mentor Cyril Serebrennikov and many wonderful people who were with me together at different stages of life. Here I met Szanne. This beautiful city did everything possible to be happy.

- Moscow immediately accepted you?

- Immediately. I am a lucky person, and do not hide it. I was completely easy. Of course, there were a lot of stress and with admission, and while studying, and others, but this does not exclude the ease and what I was rewarded.

Shirt, marina yachting; Pants, MCS; Sneakers, Premiata.

Shirt, marina yachting; Pants, MCS; Sneakers, Premiata.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

"You admitted that at the beginning of study at the Studio School MCAT in Kirill Serebrennikov you were very difficult, you did not understand what he wants from you. And he said: "Rinal, just work." Did you immediately calm down or were there any more prompts?

- I took it literally and immediately remembered my mother and huge plots of land with potatoes. When it was necessary to pour her, she said: "The eyes are afraid, and the hands do." (Smiles.) So the word "work" I know how to anyone. To buy your first Camelotes, I needed to go to the field and how to work. In the first year we were told that someone was expelled, so it was scary to everyone, but this did not happen. And when we put the estimates at the end of the course and I went to the audience, where all the teachers were sitting, worriedly worried, but I hoped that I still put the "Troika" for the efforts. And Kirill Semenovich suddenly said: "Rinal, you made a huge jerk, I did a lot of work, so I put you" five ". And added: "You have a huge potential, base, we simply send your weapon so that you shoot not in the 'milk", but exclusively in the top ten. It is given a lot - and outwardly, and internally, but you must swing to be more powerful and more powerful every time, and for this you need to work. " And everyone said so much good that it was very nice.

- You consider a meeting with the suzanny gift of fate. And the period of the first marriage does not strike out of life?

- Of course not. This is a stunning experience. In Carolina, I was in love very long. I feel sorry for what happened, but it turned out to be wild, crazy love, not love. And yet this time was happy, I will not forget him. And Suzanne is absolutely adequate to it looks.

- And when you went to sign, having lived together for several years, have experienced the same feelings or was it a gift-gift for Carolina?

- No, no, we were then in love and after marriage lived two more happy years. But then I realized that I was mistaken a little. That happens. Carolina is also very wise and deep. And now she is fine. We were all honest. I do not know if it was a mistake, but it seems to me that this experience was needed by Suzanne. We all worked together in the theater all this time and for a long time they communicated like friends. She had perfectly see what was happening to me. I am not a simple person. I have a lot of my kzikov, I am very hot-tempered, sometimes intolerable, very wayward. But what makes me a great, fragile, wise girl named Susanna, amazing. She learned to listen to me. True, I can not say that it suffers a lot, because I try to do everything to be happy.

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