5 wedding traditions


Redemption of the bride

Once the groom had to show his speech and the opportunity to contain a future wife. "For you, I will give for you," sounds from the wedding taper. Well, where is the flock of rams?

No one wants to pay for the bride a real price

No one wants to pay for the bride a real price


Today, this rite looks just extorting money from the groom from the bride's girlfriends. It is clear to everyone that it's good if the parents are narrowed by a thousand - another rubles, which will be given to the young. And what's the point? The young man is so nervous, and here it is also sticking to him with stupid questions: "What a lipstick uses his beloved."


Bread and salt have met the parents of the groom on the threshold of their future housing, because in the old days the girl was married. The mother-in-law was necessary to know who would live nearby: Stringing Modurature - a piece of more, modest - a little rebuild, providing the championship to the future husband.

Caparaway can be pizza or cake

Caparaway can be pizza or cake


Now no one marries without recognizing each other, so there is no meaning to guess on bread. Newlyweds, before the marriage, sometimes live together for years, so "who in the family the owner is known in advance. What is the point of spending on this ritual?

A wedding dance

This tradition appeared, as well as much from the West, during Peter. It should be reminded that then, until the 70s of the twentieth century, young people learned to dance from teachers or from the older generation. They knew how to move beautifully and harmoniously. Over time, the culture of pair dances has lost.

Young people do not know how to dance in a pair

Young people do not know how to dance in a pair


Today, for guests at the wedding, the torment look at this ceremony. And if the bride can still imagine himself a princess spinning in the waltz, then the bridegroom is exclusively a bear. Yes, most often he looks like this, awkwardly trying to outpat the snow-white shoes with his beloved.

The bride's bouquet

This tradition comes from our ancestors - ancient Slavs. The groom collected the wildflowers himself, putting his meaning, the soul, energy in each of them. The whole rite was endowed with a certain meaning - for happiness, longevity, largest families and well-being of the future family. The bride during all weddings kept a bouquet near the heart, filling his love. The unmarried girl was driven around her dance, and one of them newlywed passed this symbol.

Bouquet has become a dangerous weapon

Bouquet has become a dangerous weapon


Today, young throws a bouquet through the back. That is, throws his happiness and well-being for anyone. Children, breeding, widows are embedded behind it. Sometimes wishes even fight for the 'relic, "I want to marry, or vice versa, they are scattered from this gift, and the flowers fall on the asphalt. By the way, it does not do without injury. Roses with spikes arrived in the face, say the thing is unpleasant.

Garter Bride

Another "hello" from medieval Europe. It was believed that happiness brings a piece of dress newlywed and that by the end of the wedding the bride did not go bare, came up with a garter - who caught, that well done. Only there is some nuance, then the garter was on the girl's Ires - the skirts were long, and stockings are short. Golfs, at current times.

The garter is too intimate part of the wardrobe

The garter is too intimate part of the wardrobe


Now, at the guest: friends, parents, grandfathers and aunts, the groom exposes his beloved in the half-generation form. Young people giggling, old men blush.

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