How stars will fast


It's funny, but Olga specifically timed to the release of the new album "League", because according to her, "there is nothing contrary to faith," but if the religiosity of the meters of surprise does not cause, then young artists will fall much less frequently. Nevertheless, it happens. So the soloist of the group "Reflex" Irina Nelson For several years now - Vegan (Veganness implies a strictly vegetarian lifestyle). Therefore, adherence to Irina's post is not only its priorities in food, but also the issue of spiritual cleansing.

- I always observe the great post. I exclude many products from my diet, such as sunflower oil and arrange hungry days. I like the feeling during the post, ease and tide of energy. Now I have a lot of work, but the post helps to cope with difficulties, because the main thing is to find an equilibrium in yourself.

And here Dima from the group "Root" Only this year decided to observe the post:

- Many of my friends, as well as my parents observe the post. Since childhood, I watched my mother and dad strictly adhered to traditions. But he never had enough, probably courageous, to withstand so many days. After all, we drive throughout the country, night shooting, and it is almost impossible to combine with a restriction in food. But this year I firmly decided to fast for 40 days. Even recently refused to participate in the culinary program, where the uncertain condition is to drag the dish.

Dana Borisov And at all keeps the post, you can say, always.

- I have so little, in principle, what can be said that I have a permanent post. I never eat meat, the fish is also very rare the last three weeks, I lived at all on bread and water due to anxiety and experiences related to the health of mom and trouble in personal life. Only on the last day of the carnival, I ran into the restaurant to at least eat pancakes. So, the reason for noting little I do not need.

But Irina Saltykov He lives in his pleasure and not fast, although it gives proper moral cleanliness.

- Unfortunately, I can not fast because of the crazy work schedule. It is necessary to eat on the run, as a rule, not at home, but in the restaurant. Therefore, it is almost impossible to observe the post. But I believe that the main thing is to believe in the soul, and some rules stick to some rules. Moreover, now, in my opinion, the majority of fasting, consider the post as a way to lose weight. I have nothing to do with any diets.

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