How to start respect yourself


We all have the dreams that we want to implement, or at least approach them. To do this, you need to possess many important personal qualities, one of the main - respect yourself. Most of us are characteristic of themselves in themselves and their forces, especially after critical comments, however, for harmonious existence, you need to reconcile with yourself, only then the surrounding will treat you as you want it.

Change the course of thoughts

Examine yourself from the inside to realize who you are actually

Respect directly depends on self-esteem, so it is necessary first to engage in its increase if there are problems with it. Prepare to the fact that the process will be unprecedented, perhaps you will have to spend a decent amount of time. Sit in a relaxed atmosphere and think what strong qualities you have, with what you cope better around.

Take a clean sheet and write down everything that presents interest to you and is significant. It can be some kind of people, classes and hobbies. So you will be easier to understand what to devote more time, but from what to refuse.

not always the way to myself close

not always the way to myself close


Purchase a diary where you will record everything that happens to you per day or week. Still, the paper is easier to "give" thoughts than a person.

More spending time alone with you. Take a walk alone, sit in the cafe, just stay at home.

It is important to learn to forgive and take yourself

Many do not let go situations that occurred in the distant past. I want to return everything and change the situation, which is obviously impossible. But not always. If there is an opportunity, ask for forgiveness from the people, in front of which you were to blame, and most importantly - forgive yourself. There is no person who would be crystal clear: everyone makes mistakes.

Start spending more time with yourself

Start spending more time with yourself


Stay out

Again, take yourself. Such a non-ideal, but nevertheless unique. Pay attention to your strong qualities: develop them, thereby leveling flaws.

Become confident

As we have already spoken, it is impossible to start respecting yourself if self-esteem is below the plinth. But you should not despair, because there are effective exercises that can help you:

The simplest thing is to follow posture. It does not matter if you sit down or go down the street. Always keep your back smoothly, smile more and stop thinking about yourself bad.

Second: Each time you make a compliment, do not pushing and do not disday, but tell me "Thank you", thereby accept praise to your account.

Be positive

You can not believe, but thoughts in a good key strongly affect our self-conceit. Even if in life is not so good, think positively, since thoughts form the surrounding reality. Tell me thanks for what you have, you don't need to demand everything and immediately, you will only bring yourself to neurosis, but in such a state it is difficult to respect yourself.

Think what strong qualities you have

Think what strong qualities you have


Do not turn around on other

Often we compare yourself with a neighbor / girlfriend / a person from the TV (needed to emphasize), and sometimes the comparison is not in our favor. Abstract. Understand that there is always someone better, more successful, richer. Focus on myself and your life, perhaps soon you will be surprised that we could catch up, and maybe to overtake the person who was focused on.

Stop responding to criticism

Criticism takes note only if it is constructive. Otherwise - do not even pay off. Sometimes the criticism can help you change for the better, for example, you may not notice any features of behavior, but for those around them are obvious, so you are either subtly hinted, or they will say straight. If this is true, it is worth considering some of the quality of your character.

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