LONG RELAKSA: Effective poses in yoga that will remove tension


Stress accompanies each of us. Someone breaks down on the evening snacks or alcohol, so as to relieve the tension in this way, but nothing, besides the harm, do not bring such habits. We offer to replace harmful "unloading" useful physical exercises, let's say from yoga. Today we propose to consider the asians who are designed to reduce the level of psychological stress and will give a feeling of relaxation.


One of the most relaxing poses, which is used in yoga classes in breaks between complex pose. It is also called a "baby's ponta".

As we carry out:

Sit down on your heels and out of this position go back down until the forehead is touched by the floor. Hands can be pulled forward or put straightened along the body. Relax muscles. We try to pull the spine, for this we press the tailbone to the floor, and the heads will stretch forward without tearing off the floor. We remain in this post a few minutes.

Pose of a child

Pose of a child

Photo: www.unsplash.com.


The posture is perfectly suited by supersazed people who cannot even get out of the working regime at home. We help to "reboot" the brain with a simple asana.

As we carry out:

Become directly and pull your hands up, straightening the spine. Lightly bend legs in the knees. Slowly lean down. Bending, straighten the knees, hands touch the floor or wrap heels. Neck relaxed. Keep pose for a few minutes.


Pose of a tree, it is designed to balance the inner state.

As we carry out:

Become straight, the legs we bring together and pull your hands along the body. Take a breath and try to rectify your back. We raise the right leg, bent in the knee, and rest in a bent foot into the left thigh. At the same time, the knee of his right leg looks away. The main thing - the pelvis should not leave aside. Hands fold in a prayer gesture at the chest level. Discover at least for at least a minute.



Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Dog muzzle down

Very important asana, it is perfect for beginners, and experienced adherents of spiritual practices love it.

As we carry out:

We become on all fours, make focus on your hands, the fingers of which are revealed and tightly pressed to the floor. Stand on your fingers and slowly straighten your legs, pulling the pelvis up. You must form your body a Latin letter V. If suddenly you feel tension under your knees, you can slightly bend legs. Detain in this position for 3 minutes.

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