Nikas Safronov became a victim of a sorcerer: "I experienced a wild passion for her, as if ration"


In the life of the artist Nikas Safronova, what was not just happening - he cut Vienna from unfortunate love, he even wanted to eat the cannibals of Amazonia. And the painter collided with witchcraft. It turned out that the woman with whom he met, brought him with the help of magic!

"For more than twenty years ago, we met with my close friend Valentine Gaft in one of the metropolitan airports of his daughter," said Nikas. - And there, at the airport, Valya met a girl. Suitable for me and says: "Nikyvyvich, she is directly yours!" He presented to her, we exchanged phones. I called her on the same evening, but she did not answer. The next day, the situation repeated. In me possessed a pride: "What is? Why can't I find it? "

- In the end, did you get through?

- Only on the third day. We met, we had romantic relationships. But communication was not smooth. We periodically arose some friction. I remember, during the next quarrel told her: "Everything, I'm leaving." What she answered a completely calm tone: "Your right: Leave!" I left, but for some reason I wanted to return all the time. I'm going past her house, and I have a heart from the chest. One day I decided to come to her without warning. I thought I would catch her with another peasant. But no: there was no one, she was alone. We started the relationship again. I experienced a wild passion for her, a crazy desire, like a pond, some. I could not understand what was happening to me. At the same time, we regularly arose scandals. I left, but also suffered without her. After a while she told me: "Come on, marry!", But I could not do this.

Nikas Safronov has always been popular with women

Nikas Safronov has always been popular with women

- Why?

- At that moment I was still official marriage, I had an Italian wife. In general, I was not going to divorce. Before the new year, President of Russia at that time Boris Yeltsin arranged a New Year tree in the Kremlin for famous people who invited me, as it always respected my creativity. I could not go to the president. He called his beloved, said that the New Year would meet in the Kremlin, but immediately after the battle, I will come to her. She did not want to hear anything, arranged a scandal and put an ultimatum: "If we don't meet the new year together, you can not come!" I was offended and decided not to meet with her. She suffered for more than three months, suffered terribly, but over time he began to somehow move away from her. Suddenly she calls me: "I, as I promised, made a business card with your image. Let's meet, give them. "

- Did you go?

- By that time, I was somewhat cooled, but the inner desire to see her left. I arrived, she gave me a business card. And suddenly I realized that in front of me a completely different girl: not that whose image I was drawing in my imagination. She was kosnaya-speaking, it smelledlessly smelled. At that evening, this evening had the proximity, which led me to an even greater confusion. I did not understand how I could want her before. Only after her girlfriend, I told me that she would bury and sorcered. Threw me in the food some kind of potion. I didn't believe in such things before that, but I was convinced that they exist.

- How did you begin to communicate after that?

"At that moment I stopped all the relationship with her, I didn't want to see. But a few years later she appeared herself. Called from Kiev: "Help me, I was stubbing me in a crazy house!" I began to ask what happened, but unexpectedly the connection was interrupted. Suddenly she calls again and begins to talk different misses to my address. Bared and threw the phone. I did not hear her anymore. It turned out that she was crazy. Not because of me, of course - after we broke up, many years have passed. Apparently, those people who are engaged in black magic and extend, often expects a similar end.

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