Charlie Sheen poisoned


On Monday evening, Charlie Sheen was urgently delivered to the hospital with intoxication. According to the representative of the stars of the series "Two and a half people" and the film "Hot Heads", the actor was poisoned by non-Molluscs, which were in the pasta-ordered to their home with seafood. However, according to other sources, Charlie just fought.

According to the source close to the bus, the actor had a cheerful party on the eve. And Charlie complained that his pulse was frequent and his heart knocks like a crazy. The point is also that the call from the house of the movie star was not in service 911, but to the local fire station. The actor environment has in case of a call to a doctor clear instructions, according to which it is impossible to dial 911, since all calls of this service are recorded and, therefore, can get into the media. Therefore, tire's assistants and called firefighters, which, in turn, has already contacted doctors. In the hospital, Charlie was washed the stomach and after a half hour later let go home.

All this happened after Quarrel Charlie with the former wife of Deniz Richards. The actor even published in his "twitter" several offensive statements to the ex-spouse, but quickly deleted them. Presumably, the tires quarreled with Richards because of her move. Now Charlie and Denise and daughters live in the Lalokhalland area. But the actress is already looking after a house in the Malibu area, as girls from autumn will go there to a new school. And the tire is so sad that a ten-year-old Sam and nine-year-old Lola will live away from Him, that he went into pie.

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