Sienna Miller: "No man can knock me off the way"


As soon as they did not call Sienna Miller - a scandalist, an alcoholic, a deliberate, breaking family, the English version of Paris Hilton. The press diligently created this British actress the image of a shavily and frivolous blonde, who flies through life like a butterfly. But is it really?

- Sienna, hello! An amazing thing, you can easily go to contact with journalists, and this is despite the fact that they once gave you, to put it mildly, strange for a serious actress image. Why? Are you really so friendly?

- Until some moment it seemed to me that my efforts and love for acting art were visible to everyone, and no one seriously perceives the filled notes about my inclined lifestyle. And when she was spun, it was already too late to change something. (Laughs.) I love people, even those who come up with all sorts of non-residents about me. In the end, it is difficult to "sell" the image of a good Samarita, and hazardous girls.

- When did you feel for the first time that I became famous?

- How can you understand, the popularity came to me not because of my work. This is due to the novel with Jude Low, a clear thing. And even though I starred with Him in the film "Handsome Alpha" and seemed to show myself well, after the premiere I still remained the "density of the blue" and "Depraved Miller", because of which the Juda family broke up. So, we somehow came out with him and his daughter in the museum, conducted a wonderful day, and the next morning the taxi driver showed me a newspaper with a screaming headline and eloquent photograph of kissing us. Then I realized that a calm life came to an end.

- You were unpleasant to realize that the public perceives you as a beautiful girlfriend of a successful man than as an independent person, actress, model?

- To say truth, I was spit. Of course, a little pleasant, but I know myself and know what is capable of. No journalist and no man will betray me from the chosen path. Although ... I thought a lot about the experience. Still, I was twenty-three years old, I did not have enough feelings of awareness, self-awareness, lacked experience to hold on to whom I really was. And then I lost a little. And since I was a rebel - by the way, and now I am such - I wanted to resist a biased relationship, and, probably, then I moved a little stick in my demonstration. (Smiles.)

Sienna Miller:

"Handsome of the Alfa" with Jude Lowe brought Miller glory and love

Frame from the film

- You have a difficult, dramatic story with Jude. Admit it, after he publicly repeated in treason, was it difficult to forgive him?

- I am not from those who get stuck in the past, digging infinitely and analyzing. Now I can say for sure: no negative or, God forbid, I do not feel hate to him. Moreover, there is some gratitude in me. Still, a meeting with Jude was an incredible experience for me, young stupid. I just started living, traveling, loving, filming a movie.

- Since then, more than ten years have passed, but you still have one of the favorite targets of the scandalous press. What do you think why?

"I think people are simply not ready for a new one - or rather, this is Sienna." Well, we will be honest: I really love to have fun, have fun, I adore the wine parties, dancing. It seems cheerfulness - my best quality.

- What about impeccable taste? No wonder you are not only an actress, but also a model.

- Oh yeah. (Smiles.) I am that still fashionable thing, and it was it since childhood. At the same time, without false modesty, the creation of images is given to me easy. All because I love this business. I can not say that I have some kind of definite style, but I adore relaxed, comfortable things with embroidery, eclectic patterns, geometric prints, lace and flocks. Bocho-chic and aesthetics hippies - this is my choice. But sometimes I love to wear something traditional, in English discreet, for example, classic trenches or trouser suits.

"You have achieved success on a fashionable field not only as a style icon, but also as a designer." How is your brand clothes?

- flourishes! My sister and I enjoy this little business, but recently, speaking frankly, I moved away from these cases. Still, my first and only love is an actor. In addition, my daughter grows, and with Tom (civilian spouse, actor Tom Starridge. - approx. Aut.) Let's throw all the forces on her upbringing.

- By the way about Tom. Alas, but your story with him came to the end ...

- Yes, two years ago. And yet ... after all, we still love each other with Tom. But in case of parting, one of two is simply obliged to become a little cruel. Without this, you will not be able to disperse. If you have decided, you need to be resistant and not to succumb to feelings and emotions. We do not live together, but we spend threesome with our daughter a lot of time. Often we are on vacation, we are still nice and happily see each other, sincerely joyfully. He is my best friend all over the world. We are a family and stay it, so you will never hear anything scandalous or bad in the address of Tom. It seems that the parents of the child should relate to each other. (Smiles.)

Sienna Miller:

"Chief Adam Jones" - the second joint project of Sienna and Bradley Cooper

Frame from the film

- It sounds very ripe.

- In your vote, I clearly hear surprise and bewilderment.

- You really do not look like a frivolous young lady.

- Yes, it is difficult to put me on the cover of a yellow newspaper, right? (Laughs.) Although if you try, the reason can always be found. For example, somehow I appeared with a sister on a banquet, a patient, a little swollen. Naturally, it looked very impressive. (Smiles.) Well, and, of course, the next day the tabloids were nourished with shocking headlines "Miller again scored", "Miller abuses alcohol again!".

- For almost two years you are alone, you do not enter into a romantic relationship. Is there any reason?

- I do not want to marry, but there is no time on the intrigues. But I do not feel bad or lonely, rather, the other way around - so fully and confidently I did not feel myself.

- That is, information about the novel with Brad Pitt - just rumors?

- It is meaningless, stupid conversations. In addition, there are still volume in my life. I have already said that before the premiere of the film "The Lost City Z" I saw with Brad times two or three times, no more. And snatched! (Pitt was the producer of this picture. - Approx. Auth.)

Sienna Miller:

Participation in the film Brad Pitta "The Lost City Z" gave rise to rumors about the novel of stars

Frame from the film

- And now we are again faced with your favorite topic: journalists affect your image.

- It is good that my relatives do not read this nonsense. Yes, and I do not read. In our family, the policy "No Google" is now confess. At some point, I realized that if I would dive into it, my head would explode. By the way, I generally very rarely use the Internet. I even have accounts in social networks.

- By the way about relatives. What are your relationship with your sister?

- We are a real gang. The third member is our Mom Josephine. And Savannah, sister, my main fan and defender. Previously, until the moment we decided to remove all these articles about me, Savannah gave me funny comments everywhere where you can. I somehow read what she said, it was so touching, so gently!

I had a stunning childhood, very happy and sunny. Yes, the parents divorced, but the mother managed to make some incredibly making so that my sister and I did not feel abandoned or deprived. And you know what I understood? For future prosperous life, children need to comply with the only condition - they need a happy mom. It could not come to us with the savanna and in the head that Mom was unhappy with something, was strangled, alone. At the same time, we were not in a fairy tale, always knew where reality. Yes, dad went away, but is it a tragedy? We stayed!

- You really sound very positive and convincing.

- Because I am and always very happy, though. I love to call yourself a natural optimist. He seemed to be introduced into me from the very beginning, laid in me by nature. Constantly feeling a huge, so big cheerful man in his tiny body. Or maybe I am happy because it is not very prone to deep self-analysis. (Laughs.)

Family for Sienna is a source of joy and inspiration. With sister Savanno, she created his fashionable brand, and with mom communicates with the best friend

Family for Sienna is a source of joy and inspiration. With sister Savanno, she created his fashionable brand, and with mom communicates with the best friend


- All your colleagues in one voice say that you have a rare combination of self-confidence and vulnerability. Do not you think that your optimism looks like a shield from reality?

- No, I don't think at all. It's just a prism, through which I look at the world. And it is better to have such a prism of pessimism, right? (Laughs.) Or maybe I was lucky - I did not come across a grand disappointment or failures, shocks and tragedies. Maybe I simply have no reasons not to love life.

"But after all, in your career there was a period of visible clutch, when you did not starred for a long time or filmed in the passing pictures. Did you stay as happy?

- At that time, I was absorbed by my personal life and parties, fashion shows and advertising campaigns. I didn't even seem that I idle, although now, in the period of active filming, I begin to understand that it was so. And today I am glad to return to the clip. By the way, I noticed a curious moment: as soon as you are fine in your personal life, career falls - and vice versa. Although there are lucky ones who know how to keep it in the balance sheet. But I am not from such.

- Given that now on the personal front you have a calm ...

- Yes, you really argue - I worry one of the most lifting moments of my acting real. Now I am proud of two works: Cooperation with Ben Affleck in his project "Night Law" and in the already mentioned "Lost Town Z". I also remember the time with the warmth when we were working on Bradley Cooper over the "sniper."

"By the way, then you worked together on the" chief Adam Johnson. " Already in advance predicting your answer, I still ask: the sparks did not flashed? Still, the actors often converge on the set.

- (laughs.) Bradley wonderful. He became my friend, a partner. But first our relationship, to put it mildly, did not make up. "I thought you were much more stupid," so he greeted me. Of course, I immediately thought that I did not meet more than Hama. And then in some newspaper I read his confession: they say what I am beautiful, workable, helping the film crew feel like at home, and it is generally not similar to my media image. And insult as hand removed. Since then, we are very close, but, of course, no romance!

- You were born in New York, but you consider yourself a true Englishman. You consciously chose, so to speak, habitat?

- Absolutely! I adore a large apple - this city is created for such persons prone to reflection, like me, - and, and as all the British, to say in truth. He does not give you a breather, makes moving forward, work, develop. Business dating are tied here, career and business are being built. And here it is simply impossible to live in the pace, which we confess my friends while being in London. But! .. But it is the London rhythm of existence that suits me the most. All my friends from here. My favorite festivals are held in England. Walking in the park, drinking wine, laugh - that's what you can do in London.

With a civilian spouse, Tom Starridge Miller spent almost five years together. Daughter Marlowe Ottolin Laying was born in this union

With a civilian spouse, Tom Starridge Miller spent almost five years together. Daughter Marlowe Ottolin Laying was born in this union


- Tell me how can you learn to enjoy life? It seems that the tips on this topic should give only such a cheerful and open person as you.

- Start with food! Seriously, this is one of the most accessible pleasures available to us.

- Are you gourmet?

- Only if the person who eats everything is so called. I adore pasta with cheese, meat, vegetables, eating like a pig. I can absorb chips, ice cream, any sweets with round days. The process of absorption of food pleases me and configures to a positive. I understand what I am saying as a dependent person, but it is not true, right! (Laughs.)

- How do you manage to stay thin like a cane? Here, recently, your photos from the beach have been published once again, so you are in great shape.

- Thanks genetics - my mom is still like a girl. Seriously, I'm only doing yoga!

- Now you are thirty-five. Does grow up? Was your life changed?

- I am much clearer and more accurately imagine what I want. It is easier for me to be the roles, I caught the most important little things in life faster. And I realized that I am not afraid of this very mature - neither external nor internal changes. Wrinkles? They do not care. Cellulite? Well, while I do not notice it. But now I have my own story - and this is the most important thing, most valuable, which can be purchased with age. I am no longer someone's girlfriend, not just a stylish party, I am Sienna Miller. It sounds wonderful!

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