Who is Rights: Freud or Eastern Philosophy?


Permanent readers of my column have excellent skills. For example, many of them began to order dreams before bedtime to certain topics. One of the readers before bedtime decided to find out what prevents her from building a welcome relationship with a man? What lesson she still did not care? Why in this area of ​​life she raises? And I saw such a dream:

"I'm on vacation, around a lot of friends. The first scene: in front of me the dried lake and the waterfall, I am with two friends I go through the lake into the cave for the waterfall and hanging my things there, then leaving. A minute later, the lake is filled with water, and I understand that in order to get things, I need to dive and sax through the waterfall, dive and swim for things. Then, coming out of the lake, I want to go burning out. I see the sand on which everyone sunbathe, and carefully coming on it. In the sand there is a lot of snakes, they can be seen, and I try to go carefully, so as not to come on them. I feel fear, I understand that it is dangerous, but I don't care. So I have already reached the place where my towel lies. Near the girlfriend sunbathes, and I notice that she lies on the snake, she jumps out, but the snake time to bite her. I understand that I need to leave there. Another friend is suitable. Threesome we decide to leave and surprise that all sand in snakes. At the next second, I am in the sand in the sand. It is soft, through it you can safely go, albeit harder than without sand. And around is still snake. I make your way through the sand, nearing the snakes. They bite me. At this moment I wake up in alarm. "

Of course, the key point of sleep is a snake, which is stuffed by people, including friends of our heroine.

An interesting symbol is a snake. If this dream interpreted Freud, the message of this symbol would be definitely. Snake is a phallic symbol that personifies the fear of the dreams before proximity to the man.

However, there is another angle, which, as it seems to me, is suitable for dream interpretation. In the eastern philosophy, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. Moreover, on the cards of Tarot, you can often meet such a drawing: the snake biting himself by the tail. This sign means that wisdom and maturity occur only through a pain lesson.

I think this interpretation is more suitable for some of our readers. Mature and be ready for a relationship is part of the formation of every woman. And pain in this way each abuse. However, in many cases, the wrong lesson is extracted from it.

For example, a woman meets married men since once. Not specifically, but for some reason only them notices. Parting with the next such partner, she gives him a charter to never allow one to do this in his life. Instead of exploring: Why is she once again going to a relationship with married? While she does not expose their interest and benefit to meet with inaccessible partners, there is no chance of making a chance and create a different quality of relationship.

The same with those women who create relationships with incorrect men, or Alphonsees, or immature for a family, etc. D.I, t. To learn a lesson - it is not to protect yourself from a new pain. It is to investigate your interest in creating unwanted relationships once.

The same with our dreams. She is in the place where the snakes are stupid. But she avoids bites, avoiding his lessons, "jits" in the sand.

Waiting and your letters with examples of dreams! Send your stories by mail: [email protected]. Decipher dreams are incredibly interesting!

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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