"I am shy of my body": 8 questions plastic surgeon


The modern world places increased requirements for human appearance. Beautiful and healthy body - evidence of life and material success. Therefore, more and more people seek help to plastic surgeons.

1. From what age and how many plastic operations can be made to what age?

- If we are talking about aesthetic plastic surgery, then the desired age is 18 years old and older. With reconstructive plastic, there are no strict age limitations. As for the "upper" age border, it all depends on the state of health of a particular patient, the presence or absence of contraindications to specific operations. People of retirement age are resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, including those who have long passed for seventy. The main thing is that health is in order.

2. After childbirth, the belly did not come in her old form. Sport classes do not give the desired result. What procedures do you advise?

- Many women are treated with similar problems to the plastic surgeon. The most common operation is abdominoplasty, or abdominal plastic. But in any case, the procedures are prescribed solely after the initial reception and advice with the attending physician.

3. Is breastfeeding resolved after a mammoplasty operation?

- Breast plastic operations are absolutely safe for breastfeeding. Dairy ducts during mammoplasty do not intersect. Breast implants are safe for health as the most women and her children or subsequent children, and have no effect on the quality of milk and breastfeeding. There are no obstacles, so it can be boldly feeding with breast milk.

4. If breast implants have been established for a long time, do they need to be replaced or some additional procedures?

- Modern technologies allow you to establish implants indefinitely, in fact for life. It is not required to change them. However, sometimes women turn again to the plastic surgeon, but it is most often dictated by the considerations of aesthetic nature: they cease to like the previous implants due to the fact that the look at the proportion of the chest, its optimal size changes. There may be a desire to please a new man.

5. We are accustomed that women most often add to the plastic surgeon. But recently there is a tendency to increase the popularity of plastic surgery services in men. What problems most often do they turn?

- Of course, men in the first place - reconstructive plastic, but also aesthetic plastic operations are becoming increasingly common. "Men's" plastic surgery is, first of all, rhinoplasty, that is, improving the shape of the nose, blepharoplasty - operations on the eyelids, face lift. In addition, the popularity of abdominoplasty and liposuction is growing among men. A separate question is intimate plastic.

6. Do you need to restore after the plastic surgery?

- It all depends on the specific operation and the state of health of a particular patient. There are operations, recovery after which takes only 1-2 weeks, but in some cases you need more impressive time. For example, abdominoplasty implies a rather long period of recovery and observation by a doctor. The same can be said about Rhinoplasty.

7. How fast are trends in plastic surgery?

- Indeed, changes in the trends plastics occur and it is difficult to notice them. For example, fashion went on a magnificent chest, which took place a few years ago. Now women understand that it is not enough to have a beautiful breast, it is necessary that everything else is the rest - waist, belly. buttocks. The latter, by the way, pay special attention now. The correction of the shape and volume of the buttocks becomes in demand, as women and girls want to have a more tightened and sports figure.

8. How to decide on the plastic surgery and where to take the first step?

- First of all, a potential patient must be understood whether it needs a specific plastic surgery and if so, then why. After all, it is likely that the desire to go under the scalpel of the surgeon dictated only by some complexes, external influence, the desire to follow fashionable trends. If the position is conscious, the next step is to contact a plastic surgeon for advice. The most important thing in this case is to form a trust relationship with a doctor, because if there is no confidence, there is no mutual understanding, it will be very difficult. It is better to look for a "your" specialist than to refer to any first to the doctor. Already then, after the first conversation with the surgeon, you can begin preparation for the operation, which varies depending on the type of plastic. It can be computer simulation in case of rhinoplasty or a demonstration of examples, how the chest after mammoplasty will look like. And only the next step is the actual medical intervention.

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