"Two stars": what is going on behind the scenes of the show?


Frost shoots not a hindrance. "Do not remove the jackets, here Zyabko," the employee of the press service of Alena meets us. But the air in the room has already managed to warm up not so much from heat guns, as from universal excitement, so you can still use the wardrobe. The scene ends the last rehearsal - the duet of Stas Piekhi and Mary Kozhevnikova. Maria is still in a velor sports suit, Stas - in a warm sweater. Before recording, enough time, so they will change later. Now the main thing is to rehearse the number. And not only for the contestants themselves, but also for the film crew - director, operators and wizards in the light, to the team "Motor!" Everyone already knew who in which places was worth. For the third competitive day, Maria and Stas chose the composition of Igor Talkov "Tell me, from where you came," and, judging by the first impression, it turns out well. But the last word will still be for the jury. In his composition Igor Matvienko, Mikhail Boyarsky, Lolita and Valentin Yudashkin. Their dressings are located in front of the entrance to the shooting pavilion, but the dressings of the participants are behind the scene, so they have no opportunity to talk with each other, and the jury really makes up their opinion only from the first-seen number on stage.

Before the scene - an improvised "orchestral pit" for Jazz-Band Sergey Zilina "Phonograph", which accompanies participants. And not only accompanied. This year, Maestro also takes part in the project - he made a couple with the singer Angelika Varum. Sergey is noticeably worried about the performance, because to sing to a large audience for him in a novelty, but since I agreed, you need to go to the end.

The leading Dmitry Nagiyev has time for the scenes: and give interviews to journalists, and negotiate on the phone, and communicate with the girlfriend, which he presented as singer Irina Techiev. Irina diligently avoided the outbreaks of the camera. Photo: Vladimir Chistyako

The leading Dmitry Nagiyev has time for the scenes: and give interviews to journalists, and negotiate on the phone, and communicate with the girlfriend, which he presented as singer Irina Techiev. Irina diligently avoided the outbreaks of the camera. Photo: Vladimir Chistyako

Spectators are already sitting in their places, but the shooting seems to be delayed indefinitely. True, for a valid reason - the leading show Nonny Grishayeva on this day the film premiere. And although, as you know, the seven one does not expect, in this case everything is waiting for it, because without leading the shooting will not work. The second leading show, Dmitry Nagiyev, is already in place and, while there is time, I am ready to say a few words about your participation in the project. "At various times, this program was not the most recent people of our country: Lolita and Alexander Tsecalo, Alla Borisovna and Maxim Galkin. If I did not led her today, I would generally said that these were the best of the best. But since I am here today, I try to be modest, although it turns out it badly, "he notes. "And in your life, music takes a big place?" - We are interested in. "Only in the form of singers!" - seriously notices the presenter. Although after a second it clarifies: "Kouchu, of course. In the car something "pops up", but I can not say that I am Meloman. I have plenty of friends who buy good equipment to listen to music, but I do not care about such people. Do I worry about project participants? What is happening here begins to like, but since I love mostly my creativity, I worry basically for myself. Today, sandwiches did not pass - the trouble. "

Over the scene, on the large gate, followed by the dressing rooms of the contestants, posted a list with the order of their performances for today, a brief description of the intention of the number and the requisite necessary for it. The first in it is a duet of love of the Assumption and Journalist Igor Grigoriev who perform the song "You tell me, Cherry." We read a comment: "Grigoriev - in the image of Vertinsky, Assumption - in the image of a black and white silent heroine. He may be at the beginning of a song on a banquette, she is in the beam of light. " The second number of Igor Vernik and Albina Janabayeva (they have the song Garik Sukachev "Hey, Rachshchchchik!"): "Rustic wedding. Escaped bride, wagon. She fled from the wedding in a wedding dress, he is waiting for her on the cart with the Gypsies. " Further in order: Stas Pieha and Maria Kozhevnikov, Denis Maidanov and Gosha Kutsenko, Leonid Agutin and Fyodor Dobronravov, Angelica Varum and Sergey Zhilin and Alexey Kortnev and Valdis Pelsh.

But just Igor Grigoriev passes by, already disguised himself in a black suit with a silver t-shirt, in which he goes to the scene. It seems he does not worry at all and willingly agree to communicate until smoking. "Wait, that's just take a prison with the go - and let's go," he says. Looks down on the way in the dressing room of love of the Uspenskaya, which gives him some note, really builds a policy from her and, satisfied, goes on. "In general, I started all in doubt this project," Igor shares. - I have my own group, we now write an album in London, but we have a completely different genre that is not related to the stage, which we sing here. When I was told that all the lists were already approved, horror snatched me - after all, the whole country looks! But then, when everyone I found a common language, I came together on the songs that we like both of them, I felt her support - and I became calm. We started with more or less classic pop songs, but then we want to experiment, if we do not get out. Of course, the real duets bother for months, but it seems to me that we already feel each other. " And immediately notes that all artists who claim themselves belong to this competition only as a show, they are shy. After all, where there are estimates, there is always a competition. "In general, the music has always been the most important arts for me," says Grigoriev. - I grew up in a Ukrainian family, in which they always sang, and I always had these luxurious folk harmonies. And if at first I had such a novel with music when it was not necessary to run into the registry office, now I decided to register our relationship - and began to do this professionally. "

Sandwiches, as Dmitry Nagiyev noticed, there are really no, but everyone can drink hot tea with drying. This is how orchestrants came to eat. The table for tea is standing next to the door with the inscription "Foniators", where Gosha Kutsenko has entered. It turns out that the specialist is always on duty, the otorinolaryngologist Catherine Osipenko, ready to come to the rescue to the participants. "Here we have concentrated the opportunities we possess in the conditions of an exit phoniatric cabinet," she says. - We can introduce medicines inside the larynx - make an infusion using a syringe or spray from the inhaler. Someone may have the swelling of voice folds or an inflammatory process, a runny nose - then you need to restore normal nasal breathing, because with the laid nose they do not sleep. In general, participants do not turn with some supernatural complaints. For example, if a person worked the performance and after that came to the project to compete, naturally, his voice apparatus will experience fatigue. Or now in connection with the frosts - increased pressure. The vascular system suffers and not only the local blood supply to the larynx, but also the brain. And the process of voice formation depends on this very much. We help than we can. "

Participants come to the project with their "support groups". Gosh Kutsenko - with a friend, Lyubov Uspenskaya took her yorkshire terrier. Full Fedor Dobronravov came to the project along with Son Ivan. "This is very exciting," Fedor shared. - I am a dramatic artist. But when I learned that Leonid Agutin would be my partner - immediately agreed, because I very much respect him as a person and consider the best composer today and the performer. Before that, we were capaciously familiar, Leonid wrote music to the film "All Inclusive" in which I starred. But before the film I had an formed personal opinion about him and his songs, and here it played a decisive role. We rehearsed we are not so much as I would like. I have a repertory theater, he has concerts. " "Jury your duet high grades puts. At the victory, count? " - We ask. "Yes, what a victory, here with my excitement would cope! What will happen, it will be, "says Fedor.

Albin Janabaeva in a duet with Igor Vernik this time was in the image of the bride. Behind the singer's singer carefully watched the number of advocates in front of her love of the Assumption and Igor Grigoriev, and her "Support Group" was removed on the phone's chamber.

Albin Janabaeva in a duet with Igor Vernik this time was in the image of the bride. Behind the singer's singer carefully watched the number of advocates in front of her love of the Assumption and Igor Grigoriev, and her "Support Group" was removed on the phone's chamber.

Finally, Nonna Grishaeva appears on the site, to which several people run at once - to fix the hairstyle, whipped face, attach the headset. The jury occupies its places, and shooting starts. But not with the greetings of the lead, which will be recorded later, and immediately from the first issue of the participants.

"Easy, do you not give me an eye? - asks Lolita in love of Assumption after they with Igor Grigoriev finished execution. - Whatever friendly relations we have and no matter how you love you as a professional, but Igor was inconclusive. Forgive me "eight"? " Then, after consulting with the hall, the singer still decides to throw one score, but the boyars's judge is adamant. With the wording "I did not notice in the male starter," still puts the eight duet. "Friends, where are the magic? Maybe the moon is not in that phase? " - asks Nonna Grishaeva Bar. "Maybe Lyuba is just not a faith cold, and faith is hot?" - explains Igor Grigoriev.

Stas Pieha and Maria Kozhevnikov were close to get the maximum forty points from the jury, if not Lolita, who put them in the duet "nine". "The song was emotionally heavy, and with Stas, we laid out as they could. And put "nine" due to the fact that all others put "dozens," - it is somehow not clear to me, "Mary crushed behind the scenes. "But for me the most important thing is not the estimate, but the fact that we feel with Stas."

Three points to the maximum number did not pretend Denis Maidanov and Gosha Kutsenko with the song "I love you, life." The jury did not understand the idea of ​​the number: if they love their lives seriously or decided to borak over the famous song. "Argued with the jury is stupid, it has the right to his opinion. Do not get upset as in childhood, because of bad marks? It just needs to be corrected, "says Denis Maidan, already in the dressing room. - In general, I believe that we have a duet with Gosha, first of all behind the scenes. We are one field of berries. We agree with life canons, we are close in faith, for some reason and, probably, it was not in vain in one pair. I get sincere pleasure from participating in the project when I'm already in adulthood, sleeping my hits and with a genre, I have the opportunity to fulfill those songs that I would never sleep at my concerts. Today Gosha suggested "I love you, life" is the song of my pioneer past. I was engaged in the house of the pioneers, and we often sang her on some intransigesticks. By and large, she does not need estimates at all. This song is more than time. "

"You are in your duet as a professional, and Gosha Kutsenko is a novice. But meanwhile, he also has its own group. Have you heard his songs? " - We are interested in Denis. "Yes, we exchanged albums, and everyone disadvantaged each other's creativity. He has a lot of philosophy, acting. It is in good way to think unusually, it does not set the vocal techniques, sings, says, thinks, reflects, screaming. But within his person, it is very harmonious. I would be surprised if I heard the correct pop pop from Kutsenko. Therefore, we leave for this scene not as a professional and unprofessional, but two prevailing, confident men who have something to show both in this competition and outside it. "

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