Breast augmentation: what method is better


A large number of women are unhappy with their breasts and dream of changing her shape and size. There are several ways to embody a dream into life, but not all are equally effective. We will consider the most efficient way: the surgical correction of the mammary glands.

Mammoplasty for many years remains one of the most popular plastic operations. You can enlarge breasts both by installing implants (endoprosthetics), and without them (lipophilling). Each method has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. To make the right choice in favor of this or that method, you should carefully examine each of them.

Installation of implants, or endoprosthetics

The procedure is to increase the volume and creation of aesthetic profile of the mammary glands by introducing endoprostheses. The operation is simple, but the result by 80% depends on the proper selection of implants and planning the operation. The necessary measurements are performed on the body and chest, so that the prosthesis is selected individually according to the patient's figure. It is necessary to take into account the anatomy and the size of the chest pocket, the degree of muscle development and weakness of the skin.

In surgical practice, a new method of "Bellobusto" appeared, which, at the expense of competent preoperative actions, makes it possible to achieve a flawless result. Modern implants have high security, do not require replacement and give the most natural look.

Important: Many women are afraid that after the endoprosthetics will not be able to feed the baby with breasts. This is not true. The ability to lactation remains completely (the exception is reduction mammoplasty and augmentation with a cut along the edge of the AREOLA). Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy, you should report this to a specialist so that he can choose the corresponding type of access.

The result of the operation can be finally estimated only after 1.5-2 months when the fabric is fully recovered. In order for the rehabilitation period quickly and without complications, it should be strictly followed by the recommendations of the plastic surgeon. During the first month, it is necessary to limit physical exertion, wearing compression linen and for the correct healing of tissues to take drugs (for the purpose of the specialist).

The most important advantage of this method is the fact that the result of the operation is easily predictable and durable, and the procedure itself is technically simple. Also, it can also be performed by those who have not had children and did not feed the breast. Modern implants do not affect the quality of breast milk. And if over time you will again want to change the form or volume, then the endoprosthesis can be replaced with the appropriate size.

Possible complications:

• reduction of nipple sensitivity (as a rule, passes after 11 months);

• liquid accumulation in the installation places of the implant;

• the appearance of hematomas and the formation of scars;

• The destruction of the implant shell (when using poor-quality endoprosthesis).


A minimally invasive procedure allows you to increase breasts at the expense of your own patient fat cells. Through small punctures, fat cells are taken in places of excessive accumulation (liposuction). Then the fatty tissue is distributed in the chest area. The advantages of lipophiling are that the patient's body does not reject the introduced component and it does not cause allergic reactions. However, it is possible to increase the chest to a maximum of two sizes. The recovery period takes up to two weeks and is of a light character.

Possible complications:

• reduction of breast sensitivity;

• possible irregularities and seals due to improper fat distribution;

• hematomas and swelling;

• Partial resorption of the adopted adipose tissue.

The choice of technique depends not only on the preferences of the patient, but also on the individual characteristics of the body. Before any operation, you must pass a medical examination and pass the necessary assays.

Contraindications for mammoplasty:

• diseases of the breast (oncological diseases, mastitis, diffuse mastopathy);

• Heart operations and severe cardiovascular pathology;

• community diseases (immune diseases, diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases, etc.);

• thrombosis of deep veins of the lower extremities;

• Smoking: more than 20 cigarettes per day.

There is nothing terrible in that a woman dreams to be beautiful. The main thing is not to be mistaken in the choice of plastic surgeon, whose slogan is "not harmful!".

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