Dream lawn: how to turn your plot into artwork


Many represent the country area as one big bed where it is impossible to sunbathe. However, in our hands, turn a boring piece of the earth into an emerald lawn with a modern design where you can invite friends and relatives on the barbecue. Let's look at the main components for the lawn "from the cover."

Making paths

It is not necessary to buy kilograms of tiles or leave a "bald" path from the ground. You will come to the rescue. Fresh bark or ordinary wooden chips will come. At the edges of the path, you can lay out thin long branches in several rows to designate boundaries. If your site is in a swampy terrain, laid the path from the sand for the best drying, and then lay the wood decor.

Stump as decor

It does not matter if there are no trees on your site and all the more stumps, you can find suitable in the nearest forest strip. We are looking for a stump whose roots are no longer connected to the ground and bring home where we clean and install on the lawn. Before boarding, it is necessary to make a small hole in the ground in the diameter of the stump and put the roots down. After some time, you will notice how the stump starts to turn moss, and vegetation can even appear, which will give an even greater color.

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Why not borrow ideas at hobbits

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Artificial reservoir

Of course, ideally, if your site affects the natural water, in this case it does not have to make efforts to create it, the trouble is only that such a water, as a rule, is an overgrown pond, where it is impossible to place the pump for cleaning. Similar conditions magnet attract to your seafridge and what is the most unpleasant - snake. To keep the fauna on the plot under control and bring a note on the design of aristocraticness, make an artificial pond of small sizes with decoration along the edges, but think over the design in such a way that nothing prevents cleaning. If desired, it is possible to install in the center of the composition of a small fountain.


Often, instead of a reservoir with standing water, the original owners create small streams on their sites, which go beyond possessions. The main inconvenience of such designer fantasy is constant jumping through water. The problem is easily solved if you, together with the designer, think over the bridge across albeit small, but still the stream. On the green background of the lawn, the crystal stream with a neat bridge looks simply amazing.

Think over the lighting

Probably there is no more spectacular way to decorate your site than "scatter" backlight. Choose any options for light to your taste, the main thing is that everything combines with the rest of the decor of your perfect lawn, for example, you cannot set the backlight in the cosmic style if all other elements on your territory thought in a vintage or classic style.

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