Alexander Melman: "Sobchak without politics"


No? Do not mud! We always have policies, daily, every minute, in non-stop mode. And yet in the evening before the female holiday ... Do not mud!

It was believed that the program "Big Game" is imposed on the channel over. Link type. Because our people without politics can not. Rather, without proper instructions: how we treat Ukraine today or there to Syria, to America. And on TV will tell, and you are already happy.

It was also believed: this program, especially in the evening prime time, the ratings should be small-small. Someone after working what do you want? Right: Oblocked in the chair to whom with a beer, who with tea with a bun and watch the series, and then there are still here, and more ... and here we have a policy.

And replaced. By numerous requests of workers? It is not excluded. And they set the "exclusive" - ​​a very recent still format of the first, going to the weekend. This is a repetition, gentlemen. But they look for some reason as the first time.

Here you have a favorite woman of Mechanic Petrosyan Fear and in profile. Frank such ... But Tatyana Vasilyeva, People's Artist with a difficult privacy. And finally, the final-apotheosis, Cherry on the cake - Ksyusha Our eternal Sobchak. Here, just she had a confusion on the personal front, and she was in the top again. Watched everything!

I don't know if everything, but my mother looked and even when I called her, I said, "I'm sorry, I look now Vasilyev, then let's talk." And mother-in-law watched. And even a wife. God, what is happening on the eve of March 8.

I also tried ... Well, not a male thing, no, no men. Some revelations, smeared on a plate with a blue car, some experiences, tears. I can not and I do not want, as Alla Borisovna said, the dream of a similar "exclusive".

For me, the policy is so better. Taming, stupid, fucking. But I somehow got used to her. Here you look, and good to you, as well as the mood is improving at night looking. I have so, sorry for a perverted taste.

And here you can not guess what is better: either three rubles, but yesterday, or today five. Still, during political programs, many are already produced by the necessary saliva, like a dog Pavlov. And Sobchak - She and Africa Sobchak. She, too, was in politics, but jumped out of there as a plug-in church and again buried in glamor.

That's why I demand and also at the request of the viewers: remove this "exclusive" again somewhere on Saturday, leave us alone. Politics so politics. As a good sleeping pill, it is already necessary for us. At night looking.

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