Fashionable "no": what you can not wear lush girls


Anyone is important as she looks like, there is hardly such someone who is indifferent to its appearance. However, girls with a complete complex are the harder to choose clothes so as to emphasize all their advantages, because almost the entire Fashion industry is subordinated to ideal forms that are rarely found in life.

Agree, it is difficult to sit and unpleasantly sit on permanent diets, experience your limits by physical exercises, to then immediately dial lost kilograms. Yes, and many full women like their shapes, so their only desire is the selection of proper clothes.

You do not need to worry that in the boutique of a well-known brand you cannot find your size, the main thing is to determine the correct style and competently dispose of accents. In this case, you will envy even slender girls.

Sit on a tight diet - then the pleasure

Sit on a tight diet - then the pleasure


the cloth

The material is the most important point when choosing clothes for a full girl. It depends on him how you will look, even if you are perfect for a dress in shape, poor-quality fabric easily destroy your image.

Refuse to be too dense and coarse fabrics, such as drape, dense knitwear, large valves, patterns, fur decor.

Do not abuse transparent materials. In no case use the transparent fabric in the hip or waist area, the zone of neckline and shoulders is best for this material.

What is interesting, lace and brilliant fabrics were considered a contraindication for full girls, however, stylists claim that in this way it is possible to distract attention from a non-ideal figure. But do not overdo it.


Immediately throw off the prejudice relative to the white color: no, it does not complete. With the competent selection of the style, the white color will even "pull out". Just do not create contrast sets, for example, white top - dark bottom. So you "can resist" the shape and emphasize the completeness.

Many large girls loved the black color, which masks the problem areas well. But it is not worth loaning only on it. There is a huge variety of bright colors that will help create an interesting image, you will receive many compliments. Such colors include blue and salad.

You can combine neutral shades with bright - just remember that a bright emphasis in the image should be only one.

Be careful with transparent fabrics.

Be careful with transparent fabrics.



Small flowers on the dress, so beloved by our women, are the real "killers" of the shape, which is what to hide. The same refers to a horizontal strip.

Discard the combination of large and small elements on clothing, they will make you even more.

Instead, optical prints look good, which visually smooth the figure. In addition, they are gaining popularity this season.

As for large patterns, everything depends on your fantasy - there are no restrictions.


Full girls try to hide the flaws of the shape under baggy clothes or clothing for several sizes more, not understanding that in this way they additionally attract attention to their figure. But you should not rush to buy a dress in a crap. You will be suitable semi-fledged styles of trousers, blouses and jackets. Silhouettes choose more feminine.

On the contrast of lovers of the balaukhonov, girls who are looking for clothes for size or two are less, trying to pull the shape. Understand that you don't get dirtless clothes, but you will attract excessive attention. Under the fine tightcloth will be improped by unattractive bugs, and instead of the admiring views of others, you will catch the glances of bewilderment.

And finally, frank images. Yes, with the onset of heat, the girls choose from the wardrobe all the shortest and open. Do not do it this way. Your goal is to emphasize the merits. Short skirts and shorts will not help allocate your feminine silhouette. Therefore, give up mini in favor of elegance.

Do not cut the figure with contrasting colors and avoid horizontal stripes.

Do not cut the figure with contrasting colors and avoid horizontal stripes.


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