Determine the degree of sexuality of the partner


Is it possible to determine the sexual potential on human appearance? If you believe the sexologists - quite. Sexual temperament is understood under sexual potential: how much and in what quantities the person needs sex.

Most people confuse sexuality with sex, and they are different things. Sexual people consider, as a rule, public individuals, which are characterized by charming, sociability, attractive appearance. People seem to be the external beauty and there is that sexuality. You may be surprised, but those most handsome from the screen that you admire, can have understated sexual abilities, which we will talk about.

Foot length can say a lot about man

Foot length can say a lot about man


Sex is one of the most important components in the relationship of the pair, especially if a man and a woman are going to marry. Different sexual temperament can greatly complicate the life of a young family. That partner who has a high need for sex, will constantly demand it from its less "hot" satellite life. As a result, a divorce will follow or an active partner will go left.

There is a certain set of signs for which the sexual constitution can be assessed. Let's see how it can be done:

Along the foot length

Scientifically proven that the shorter legs, the sexier person is. Specialists in the field of sex even have developed a confusing formula for measuring the length of the legs for compliance with the sexual constitution, with its help you can make an idea of ​​the partner: the body length is divided into the foot length (from the hip). Your degree of sexuality depends on the figures.

Among women:

2 - 2.05 - Strong Constitution

- 2 - Middle Constitution

1.88 - 1.96 - Weak Constitution

In men:

- 2 - Strong Constitution

1.92 - 1.98 - Middle Constitution

1.85 - 1.91 - Weak Constitution


According to the degree of agriculture, it is quite easy to determine the temperament: the larger the hair, the more active the man in sexual terms. Men with a high level of testosterone accounted for more often to shave, their bristles are rigid and dark. As a rule, brunettes are considered the most temperamental people. The darker the hair, the greater the testosterone body.

It is not surprising that the strongest sexual constitution is in brunettes. They are too hot and asserts, do not recognize failures. Such men are peculiar to the head and aggressiveness, so they will not fit sensitive women. Blondes are against Blonds, which are very sensual and romantic. In bed, they usually occupy passive positions, do not like to risk, but they are distinguished by enviable fantasy.

As for women, temperamental nature also have a large amount of hair on the body, which brings them a lot of inconvenience, however, to men in terms of the number of hair they are still far.

Brunettes have the highest constitution

Brunettes have the highest constitution



The face is the first, for which it clings to the eye when meeting. No matter how surprisingly, eyebrows can also say a lot about their owner. Just like with hair on your head: Wide thick eyebrows speak of hypersexuality. The person is determined and does not come to compromise. Rare bright eyebrows are found in people with low sexuality. People with blond eyebrows, as you can guess, usually bright soft hair, and we talked about them above.


It is believed that the nose is one of the most important features for which the temperament can be determined. It is even more important than the color of the hair. An outstanding nose speaks of a volitional character, strength and endurance. A woman with low sexuality will have to be disadvantaged with such a partner.

A straight nose, bending a hook, usually belongs to people with pronounced leadership qualities. It will dominate in bed, hardly listens to the desire of a woman. It can not be called a sensitive person, however, he compensates for his passion.

The nose with soft outlines issues in the owner of a soft and self-critical person. He is not sure of himself and will exercise such constancy and in bed.

The nose also gives the temperament

The nose also gives the temperament



People who know how to enjoy and satisfy the partner, lips, as a rule, are complete, especially the lower lip. The heavenly lip can talk about promiscuity, according to some sexologists and physiognomists. However, it is not always possible to determine the temperament to the lips.

Thin lips often belong to people with leadership qualities, they are kept in the manifestation of feelings. Their sensuality is lower than those of people with plump lips, the same applies to the manifestation of fantasy and inclinations to experiments in bed.

It is important to understand that we are talking about the natural form of the lips, and not created with the help of a cosmetologist.

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