Only one chin: 3 Neck tightening exercises


Unfortunately, it is the neck most often gives our age, while you can just care for the face. The thing is that the skin on the neck is very thin, in the absence of due attention to its condition and shortage of time for the muscles, problems appear like the "rings of Venus" or the chin begins to dod miraculously. At the first signs of changes, it is necessary to join the fight, and how exactly to do with the help of physical activity, we will tell me today.

We extend the neck

What do:

We get up or sit down so that the back is smooth, the shoulders are lowered down, we renounce the sky to the sky. Slowly and gently make tilts heads in the same way. In each slope, delay for a couple of seconds.

What to pay attention to:

The most important thing in this exercise is to focus on stretching the side muscles of the neck. No need to bend as low as possible, the essence is not in this. It is important not to pull the ear to the shoulder, but to strive up opposite ear. We carry out the exercise as smooth as possible to avoid unnecessary stretching.

Strengthen the muscles of the front surface of the neck

What do:

We sit down or get up smoothly, shoulders, as in the first case, lower down, pull the head up. We put your palms on the front surface of the neck. The head remains in the initial position, your task is the muscles of the neck "push" the hands that you will resist at this time. To achieve the maximum result, in the process of execution, press the tongue to the upper heaven. Make 15-20 repetitions.

What to pay attention to:

When exercising in too intense mode, a sense of voltage may appear in the back of the head. So that this does not happen, do not give your hands head and follow the posture.

Do not forget about daily care

Do not forget about daily care


Tightening neck.

What do:

We repeat the previous positions: sit down or get up so that the back is smooth, lower the shoulders, pull up the head. We put your hands just below the clavicle and slightly stretch the muscles up. At the same time, I do not give your hands on the neck. When performing slightly raise the chin, without throwing the head. Next, we make slow movements forward in 15 approaches.

What to pay attention to:

Ensure that the jaw in doing was not highly advanced in order not to overvolt the jaw joints. It is also important not to strain the lips, otherwise wrinkles not avoid.

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