5 rules washing


Rule number 1

Keep dirty underwear in a well-ventilated basket or drawer with ventilation holes. Store underwear in the pelvis or drum machine, of course, it is possible, but because of the dampness it can get an unpleasant smell or to be covered with a difficult mold. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the linen is not wet, and the door to the bathroom was open.

Get a basket for linen

Get a basket for linen


Rule number 2.

Sore underwear before washing. Pay attention to the composition of the product - it is written on the tag, it is also possible to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for clothing care. It is impossible to simultaneously load lace underwear, a wool sweater and jeans - they require different water temperature.

Sort things

Sort things


Rule number 3.

It is impossible to erase colored and white underwear together. Colors can politic and shuffle. It should also be paid to the degree of pollution. Things with stains better soak in advance with special means.

Color it is impossible to wash with white

Color it is impossible to wash with white


Rule number 4.

Before putting clothes in a typewriter, check your pockets - a trifle can remain in them, which can damage things or drum when washing, the right petty pieces with phone numbers, paper bills, crumbs, and the like.

Pay attention to washing mode

Pay attention to washing mode


Rule number 5.

Before putting clothes in a machine, turn inside out all things, especially jeans, so they will retain their color and fabric structure longer. All things must be prepared: unbutton the buttons, fasten the lightning, hooks, tie the laces and ribbon, straighten the cuffs.

Turn the jeans

Turn the jeans


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