Dressotherapy: Clothes can replace the first kiss


Wear pleasure!

Alas, clothes - the thing is even more utilitarian than men. Sooner or later, any extravagant and expensive model turns into a rag. But our outfits, with all the frequency of fashion, there is one undeniable dignity: they raise our mood. Surprisingly, from a piece of matter, "rags" - just putting it on themselves - you can recharge for the whole day. And for this, it is not necessary to acquire some incredible delights of famous designers.

Fashion psychologists are confident: the clothes can deliver a brightly colored emotional splash, almost euphoria, which is comparable, unless with a good date or the first kiss of your loved one. Moreover, it is possible to get this doping in a completely legal way: you just need to use your toilets nonbust. The less your choice is justified by the reason, season and place - the more chances you get a real buzz from your outfit! That is, sometimes you need to let yourself, as our grandmothers would say, "dress up to the village, or to the city."

White pants . Universal dress doping! Practical becomes just a couple of months a year, when heat, light and not dirty. All the rest of the time in our latitudes, white pants are practically a challenge to society accustomed to the eternal slush, an unlucky bridge and high cost of a washing powder. Not a gift from the Osta Bender, white pants were associated with a comfortable life in Rio on the ocean. And it is not by chance that snow-white pants - a favorite image of the house chanel. And for any girl with a tasteful heritage of eternal Mademoiselle - genuine alphabet of style and relationship to life. And if you, abstracting from the weather, bravely put on white pants - So, threw out the finest considerations "This is once", "how will I wash it?" And in general, "people will laugh." And if you have found the strength to do not care about these routine arguments, it means that it has already become more free, more liberated and, accordingly, happier. In life, the moments happen when absolutely should not be afraid to be blurred. Not in vain in the people they say: so that troubles on the side, in life there should be a place in the fig. And fashion psychologists add: "The girl in the white pants is happy by definition."

Thin colored shawls and scarves. The practical burden is not carried - do not warm and generally confused in their hands and legs and doubt on the floor. But but what bohemility and poetry give your appearance! If you, having come out of the house, threw weightless Pashmina on the shoulders - it means you are not "soaring" that you will be pushed at the bus pressure, she will fall into the blades of the machine where you work, or you have a grandmother at the entrance. You are higher than these philistine difficulties. Remember the Aseedor Duncan, the best dancer of the era, Muse Yesenin and the main fan of thin silk scarves. This lady was famous for her to absolutely do not care on prejudice and bring the speculation to her address. "She dressed as she loved, but loved how he danced - without a look, without shame and not afraid to be funny" - that's how her contemporaries were written about Isader. True, and thugged the chalovenitsa her unrealistic long scarf, confusing in the wheels of the same scarlet convertible. But caution on the roads is a completely different story. In addition, it is necessary to give the aceedor due: even her death was glamorous!

Sicilian widow outfit . In the highest light it is believed that the black toilet is absolutely invalid in the summer day and undesirable in the evening. If only we are talking about the memories. By the way, the choice of black as a mourning color is not accidental: black has a property to protect its "carrier" from negative impacts from outside, to give it strength and resistance. Therefore, if you suddenly felt vulnerable and unprotected, nave on the laws of the highest society and wear black - even if there is a sunny day in the yard. Not in vain the widow from Sicily Island, where the sun shines all year round, black robes are not removed for months. Despite the heat and bright daylight, in which black looks not in the best way. Black outfits serve not only the proof that a woman is grieving for his husband, but also protect the poor woman from immodest eyes, as well as from the evil eye. After all, if the pressed spouse was rich, his widow becomes the object of acute envy and woven the ill-wishers. Are you internally tense and do not really trust the society in which you go? Feel free to wear "Sicilian widow". You will see: he will give you confidence in his abilities and calmness.

Cabinet exchange . Today, the exchange of houses has entered the whole world, which the Hollywood spent on the "Exchange Vacation" film. Girls on different continents became boring and sad - and they changed a couple of weeks at home. And at the same way and lifestyle. Of course, it is rather troublesome. But to change for a couple of weeks with cabinets - there is nothing easier! Choose a girlfriend with the same size as you and with the same attitude towards your wardrobe - he is deadly and ever thinks that "wear nothing." And now completely swap the boning content of your cabinets. Just do not forget to specify the deadline for which you do it, and also promise not to spoil each other's property. And then suddenly your girlfriend will like your outfits so that she does not want to return them? Or you caress the girlfriend sweater so that it will be two sizes less. Such costs are able to spoil the mood. And here is the exchange of cabinets - only will be asking you both, give life a new taste and color, and add driving! After all, it is so cool - for some time to be "in the skin" another! And in the right sense. Yes, and by that time, when your native outfits return from "Exchange", you have time to miss them, and they will no longer seem so uninteresting. By the way, in the process of the exchange of houses both Hollywood heroines safely arranged a personal life. And with your cabinets, the worse?

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