And what do you have: 4 Features of raising children in different countries


In any country, the world for children relate to a special trepidation, ranging from the state and ending with society. But if we love the children equally, the rules of education can differ radically. Today we decided to figure out how to approach the education of parents and state institutions in different countries.


The main feature of the French family can be considered strong bonds. Children do not seek to leave the parent home even after the age of adulthood. You might think that the French mother is to blame for everything, which, in the opinion of some, only does that he takes his Great "Toddha". But no, the modern Frenchwoman always finds time for work and personal interests, and therefore the infantility of young French people is connected, rather, with family traditions than with a hyperopica. Moreover, a small Frenchman from an early age is placed in the team where the child learns to interact with other children and adults in the separation of parents.

We study the peculiarities of education in different countries

We study the peculiarities of education in different countries


Great Britain

It may seem to us that the British are already born with restrained conformists, however, the great influence on the kid has all its environment. The British Society really teaches to restrain the excessive manifestation of emotions, and first of all, it happens in the family, but it does not say at all about the fact that the British are less like their children. Today, British restraint is increasingly influenced by other cultures and in modern kindergarten children are already much more allowed than their parents at the same age. Rules become softer.

Plan the creation of a family before 35 years old, the Central British does not seek, it is believed that a woman must fully form as a person and professional, after that, English women can plunge into life. At this age, a woman can provide not only himself, but also his child, if a man in the house is absent. Often, young mothers resort to Nannies, when a child becomes a little older, so that the woman has the opportunity to get out of the decree as early as possible. Looking at home - not in the rules of modern British.


It would seem that the features of the education of the British and Irish must coincide - as is the neighbors. But no, the Irish approach is more tremendous. Even if the child loosened, the parents are in no hurry to raise the voice, rather, will begin to gently soothe. In small towns, you can observe such a situation: the child broke something in the store, but in most cases they ask if the baby was not afraid, after that, after that, they would commend the damage to the store. The mild approach and the lack of scandals provide a child a stable psyche.

The only similarity with the British is the age in which Irish decide to create families. Previously, a 30 woman, although it can get married, but not yet feel comfort in financial terms, it will not be planned to plan children.


The late motherhood trend is also kept here. German women think of everything before the smallest things before the child's appearance: from the search for nanny to kindergarten and school. As a rule, the child goes to the garden after three years, until this age is all efforts to educate a family. Gradually, the child will lead to classes in the kindergarten group once a week, after which you can already give a child for the whole day. The child always enable to adapt to new conditions. The main difference between the German education system - the child should always feel safe. The child can not increase the voice not only a stranger, but even parents are not in the right to correct the behavior of the chattering kid cries.

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