Scientists told how painful separation breaks the work of the brain


Anyone who once cried in a pillow after parting and deleted joint photos, knows what stupor brain becomes for a while until you disappoint the past novel. New study "Reduced SpatiotEmporal Brain Dynamics Are Associated with Increased DepressIVI Symptoms After A Relationship Breakup", published in the NeuroImage: Clinical scientific journal in May of this year, sheds the light on how the rupture of relations violates the dynamics of the work of the brain departments.

What was the study

In this study on neurovalization, scientists investigated how the strengthening of depressive symptoms after stressful decay can correlate with the indicators of metastability, integration and structure of the entire brain. The control group includes 69 participants in the experiment aged 18 to 26 years, which survived the rupture of relations over the past six months. After estimating the symptoms of depression and carry out each participant of the brain scanning by the method of functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the researchers found that the strengthening of depressive symptoms after breaking the relationship is associated with a decrease in the spatial-temporal dynamics of the brain.

Results of research

Analysis of snancakes MRI showed that the severity of the manifestation of the symptoms of depression in the experimental participants that fell with beloved participants is related to the decrease in the brain's ability to coordinate the work of its departments in order to process a large amount of incoming information. The stronger the symptoms of depression were manifested, the more noticeably there was a violation of the brain - first of all, the weakening of spatial thinking and metastability - the ability to recognize patterns. "Our approach can provide new opportunities for understanding the symptoms of depression among the population as a whole," the authors conclude.

Pay attention to what can distract you from suffering

Pay attention to what can distract you from suffering


How to use this data

People whose work is connected mainly with mental activity, it is impossible to manifest the symptoms of depression. After parting, immediately go to the psychologist, if you know your habit of deeply experience dumping from a loved one. It is not worth refusing to accommodate negative emotions - so you grow up the period of adaptation to changed living conditions, but the problems of the past in a year or two will surely emerge and make you work from the very beginning. If you calmly part with people, still try to spend less time alone, more often do sports, give up bad habits - alcohol and cigarettes will give only a temporary effect. The first few months are more sleep, go to yoga and engage in meditation - we wrote that these practices are good for health.

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