FMS fined stars "super-disco 90s"


The misfortune happened on March 9: barely stood notching the last 40-x super-discos in the Olympic, as FMS employees, good without making singers from the scene, began to check the guests to work in Russia at visitors. Violations were discovered in 9 foreigners.

The abused labor migrants were forced to remove from the country. Experts believe that the incident occurred due to a burgratic legislation, which prevents most of the artists to arrange documents legally.

"A signal came to us that foreigners from the USA, Great Britain and Greece give concerts with tourist, and not business visas, without permission to work. They are already fined for 3 thousand rubles and drove, "said the Press Secretary of the FMS Zalina Kornilov. The names of the violators are not disclosed, but among the finished artists from the British team "EAST-17", the American group "SNAP", the Germans "Culture Beat" and "La Bouche" - it was these 4 groups that were given in the Olympic. The receiving party - producers who organized a concert, now faces a fine of 250 to 800 thousand. "There is no difference - a foreign citizen works at a construction site or performs at a concert," Press Secretary of the FMS Zalina Kornilova said. She noticed that this is not the first case of violation by artists of legislation, just this time the press attracted loud names.

The organizer of the "superdiscoteki of the 90s" while the comments refrained, and the wide gesture of the FMS caused various senses - why fingerty the artists, when and without them illegal immigrants? "The incident arose due to the inflexible legislation. The faults of the FMS are not, a bad or good law, it must be performed, "said Sergey Boldyrev, director of international alliance programs. This style of work of the FMS, which is mainly reduced to PR shares. It shows the absence of a systemic, everyday, painstaking work, "says the head of the Foundation. Migration of the 21st century Vyacheslav Zavdran. Someone and at all saw the beginning of the Cold War in the actions of the FMS. "The incident leaves a very unpleasant impression. The FMS shows that there is a tightening of migrocenarial politics, if you want, it somehow resembles a cold war, "the member of the Public Council of the FMS of Russia Lydia Grafova appealed. According to her, if you force all the circles of "bureaucratic hell", we scare all our star guests.

And they really have to scare it. According to Sergey Boldyrev, to take a coup tour, the receiving party should issue a number of documents: to go through the accreditation procedure in the UFMS, make permission to attract foreign workers, to each team to send a personal invitation, then for everyone to issue a work permit. All this is permissible in ordinary cases when a person is arranged to work for a year, but very burdensome for touring artists who are visited for several days.

Now most artists solve the migration question as they can. The stars are largely discussing the problem with the middle, the stars closer (from the CIS and others friendly countries) may make a residence permit, asterisks in beds, it happens, illuminate our country illegally, "Withar" entering a tourist visa. According to Sergey Boldyrev, the FMS simply does not reach the hands, for example, to all small circus groups that enter our tourist visas, to athletes. It is not clear how questions with legislation decide, for example, the rich people who are invited to sing stars in a private club for 2-3 days.

Recall that this is not the first case when the arrivals of artists and athletes arise problems with the FMS. So the Verka Serdyuchka - after she sang the song "Rasha Gudiba". The two-time Olympic champion in sports gymnastics Mary Filatova, who left Russia to the collapse of the USSR, was not given to the Rossian passport with the wording "for insufficient services to the Russian Federation."

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