Prince Harry is found with actress Jen Coleman


A couple of days ago there were rumors that Prince Harry came up with his former beloved Crasress Bonas. Their romance lasted for more than two years, while young people did not solve part in April last year. Moreover, they spoke, the 30-year-old heir to the throne has already made the Cresan's hand and heart offers, which a 26-year-old girl happily accepted. However, the newly engaged fiance and bride want to leave in secret. It was also reported that the Queen of Great Britain blessed his grandson. Elizabeth II is not very pleased with the sphere of Cresus, which is a model and actress. But for the sake of Harry's happiness, Her Majesty agreed to take the girl as it is.

However, according to new reports, at all Bonas is a love interest of the Prince. According to rumors, the heir to the throne twisted the novel with Genna Coleman. 26-year-old Coleman is also an actress, the star of the popular TV series "Doctor Who". And I used to meet with Richard Madden, known for Robob Stark in the series "Game of Thrones".

Harry and Jenna have long been acquainted for a long time, but they began to close with each other in May, when they were entertained together at a party from a common acquaintance. In June, the prince and actress were seen together at the Polo match, where they again were very openly flirted with each other.

"Harry really likes to spend time with her. And he is happy when they are given the opportunity to meet, "the source close to the prince says. "However, they still do not hurry the development of their relations, as both have a very tight schedule." Harry will soon go to South Africa, and Cresan - in the United States on the shooting "Doctor Who". But while they enjoy each other's society. "

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