Fashion Week in New York confirmed the status of the most eccentric


I recently caught myself thinking that I did not remember when the last time I put on high-heeled shoes. New York is completely relaxing in this sense. Here, the main principle in clothing is convenience and a variety. To confess, to some moments I still can not get used to - for example, to the manner of local residents to go outside right in the pajamas. Purify from above

Coat - and forth for coffee to the next store, even children in such a way to school are discharged. I wanted so much coffee in the morning, but it was terribly lazy, and I almost decided to completely mimicarize under my neighbors and almost stepped out the door in a similar form, but ... after all in our, Russian understanding to go outside in Pajamas - This is a bad tone. Change did not work. For the rest, I, perhaps, even like the democraticity of local stylistic habits. New York - for the purity of lines and bold combinations. All this may be, not so feminine, as in Europe, but always practical and sometimes unexpectedly. The tight silk dress is put on the usual T-shirt, and tomorrow - under the classic cardigan. Business pants combine with conventional dies or strict boots. Characteristic detail and practically a classic of what is called New York Style, Fedora. In general, do not be afraid to combine incompatible, and most importantly - be natural. Healthy hair, shining face and, of course, smile.

Little collands flowed smoothly from previous trends. Framed from past seasons and firmly established focus on the sleeve. For example, leather sleeves, and the rest of the product - from alternative fabric.

Little collands flowed smoothly from previous trends. Framed from past seasons and firmly established focus on the sleeve. For example, leather sleeves, and the rest of the product - from alternative fabric.

By the way, the fixed styling of the hair (as if only from the salon), they will rarely meet even at Park Avenue. This agrees with the stylist Guido Palau, which is part of the rating "25 of the most influential people in the Fashion industry" regularly takes part in global showing leading brands. Fashion Week in New York 2012 did not exception.

This year, Palau, together with the Redken brand, worked on creating images for the appeals of autumn-winter 2012/2013 such brands like Alexandar Wang, Victoria Beckham, Mark by Mark Jacobs and others. Stylist Guido Palau created for its models emphasized-neat hairstyles with a glossy effect of healthy hair. Alexandar Wang's show models supported the trend set by Palau: straight hair, with a clear probor, without unnecessary accessories.

The most scandalous, as usual, was Mark Jacobs: Giant fur hats, a rustling of colors. In contrast to him - Celvin Klein and BCBG collection.

The most scandalous, as usual, was Mark Jacobs: Giant fur hats, a rustling of colors. In contrast to him - Celvin Klein and BCBG collection.

New York Fashion Week was burly discussed in fashion magazines and blogs, because there were a lot of reasons. Mark Jacobs created a collection on the verge of humor and provocations, he was also increasing that he brought the podium of minor models ... Victoria Beckham, a newly young mother struck the public with his strict, in the spirit of minimalism.

Nevertheless, the main world trend, according to Fashion critics, is that the massmarket is pressed by suite. The speed of turnover in fashion incredibly increased. Many stamps update the collections almost every month, trying to maintain constant interest in themselves. But in parallel, they need to stimulate sales, so retail is becoming increasingly flexible and ingenious: promotions, discounts, special offers.

The daughter of the director Nikita Mikhalkov recently starred for the Lucbuca of the Spring-Summer Collection of Designer Sultanin French. In New York, the designer visited several shows and did not refuse her shopping.

The daughter of the director Nikita Mikhalkov recently starred for the Lucbuca of the Spring-Summer Collection of Designer Sultanin French. In New York, the designer visited several shows and did not refuse her shopping.

This in Russia and China people are ready to spend huge money for prestigious stamps. "No" pathetic brands in their daily told even the first Lady of America. On the recording of television interviews, on state receptions and meetings with the leaders of other countries, Michel Obama often appears in the clothing of the American brand J. Cre - the brand of about one price category with Spanish Zara. America in general and New York in particular SO Casual. You can wear it on working meetings and Still Feel Professional. Pure truth. It seems that only the love of local ladies to diamonds remained unchanged, often large, who carry Throughout The Day. On this occasion, my grandmother once said: "Baby, diamonds for the evening. Wearing them indecently. " Times have changed: more diamonds of good and different, and day and night!

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