Blephatheroplasty: Main myths about the correction of the eyelids


Today, plastics of the eyelid (blepharoplasty) is one of the most popular interventions both among the weak gender representatives and the male half of the population. Blefaroplasty is resorted to both age-related testimony, so because of aesthetic considerations. This operation is relative to the number of relatively light surgical interventions: the recovery period after it passes rather quickly and (subject to all recommendations of the attending physician) without complications.

The apparent simplicity of the operation spawned a lot of myths and rumors around the blepharoplasty, I will leave ten of them.

Myth number 1. A century correction can be done only once. The skin in the region is really thin and is characterized by the absence of subcutaneous fatty fiber. But this is not a contraindication to re-operation if necessary. The result of intervention can be maintained up to 10 years, in some case longer or, on the contrary, less - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, lifestyle, metabolism and other factors.

Myth number 2. No list of contraindications. Blephatheroplasty, like any other surgical intervention, is carried out not only by testimony, but also taking into account contraindications. There is a general list, which includes hypertension, noncompensated diabetes, blood disease, aggravation of chronic and respiratory diseases, renal and liver failure. In addition, the presence of increased intraocular pressure, damage to the cornea, cataract, eye infection, recent operations in front of the contraindication.

Myth number 3. Blerioplasty is carried out under general anesthesia. Most often, with the correction of the eyelid, such methods of anesthetics are used as infiltration anesthesia in combination with intravenous sedation. The choice of the method of anesthesia is the prerogative of a plastic surgeon, while the patient can always express his personal opinion.

Myth number 4. Blephaflast can make any plastic surgeon. In fact, each surgeon has its own specialization, and this is precisely this fundamental factor when choosing a specialist. It can not be the same man equally well to make mammoplasty and rhinoplasty - in any intervention there are subtleties and nuances. Therefore, choosing a surgeon, you need to understand what he specializes that he does best and what intervention has it stands on the stream.

Plastic Surgeon Alexander Vdovin

Plastic Surgeon Alexander Vdovin

Myth number 5. The prosperous outcome of the operation depends on the surgeon. This is a myth, but only partly. From the patient and his willingness to be responsible for the postoperative period, strictly by fulfilling all the recommendations of the doctor and observing the necessary restrictions, the result of the operation also depends.

Myth number 6. The operation is not suitable for those who have vision problems. You will be surprised. But blepharoplasty helps solve some vision problems. To begin with, one of the testimony to carry out the upper blepharoplasty is the ptosis of the upper eyelid. Even because of the authority of the century, patients begin to see worse - this is a medical fact. Nor myopia, neither the hyposticity by contraindication to carrying out blepharoplasty are not.

Myth number 7. The hernia under the eyes may appear again. In this case, only the hereditary factor may contribute to the appearance of hernia. There are no other objective reasons for the occurrence of bags under the eyes in patients after blepharoplasty.

Myth number 8. Circular blepharoplasty is the best correction option. The best option of the plastics of the eyelids is the correction according to the testimony. If the patient has an authority of the century, but there is no indication for holding the lower blefaloplasty (bags under the eyes, wrinkles, etc.), then he does not need "circular" blepharoplasty. Sometimes even in the presence of testimony, it is worth divorcing interference in time, making first the upper blepharoplasty, and after some time - the bottom. This will allow you to get a beautiful eye cut.

Myth number 9. After blefaroplasty, it is impossible to use cosmetics. To refrain from the use of decorative cosmetics ideally, it is necessary until the seams are removed. This happens on 3-5 days after the upper blepharoplasty. Also, patients with myopia are recommended to abandon the wearing lenses for the week. The restrictions after the correction of the eyelids include visiting the gym, saunas, pool and solarium.

Myth number 10. Instant result of rejuvenation. Since blepharoplasty relates to simple interventions: 1.5-2 hours after surgery, the patient may return home, and after a day, two to the usual way of life, it is not less not less to perceive this operation. You should not forget that the effect of the intervention can only be obtained only after complete tissue restoration - it leaves from 1-1.5 months. To speed up the healing process of tissues, you can resort to cosmetology procedures such as microcurrent therapy, lymphatic drainage massage, mesotherapy.

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