Vinirs: myths, reality and contraindications


Snow-white smiles of stars in many cause envy, and modern technologies allow lovers of all the perfect make teeth straight and dazzling. Installation of veneers from exotic turned into a familiar procedure. However, in the desire to be like the idol, many forget that a Hollywood smile is recommended not all. Consulted with a specialist.

What are viniron

Vinira is thin, not more than one millimeter thick, plates that are attached to the front of the teeth entering the smile zone. They give teeth desired shape and color. Most often, veneers are installed for ten lower and ten top teeth. Viniirs are made of ceramics, zirconium and composite. Ceramic, as ceramics are close to the aesthetic properties to the enamel of the teeth. I want to dispel a popular myth of the 90s that the teeth are stepping up to thin columns. This is in the past. Modern technologies allow us to make a veneer with a thickness of 0.2-0.3 millimeters and thereby stay within the enamel when processing the tooth. For the eye it is unnoticed.

Dentist Alexey Shinkarenko

Dentist Alexey Shinkarenko


The testimony for the installation of veneers includes pathology and acid damage enamel, as well as aesthetic disadvantages, such as the color and shape of the teeth, an increased distance between the teeth.


Dead, destroyed teeth, as well as orthodontic problems. The latter are solved with braces. Wearing braces may not want, but if your problem is the crowded teeth, and the dentists insist, do not go against specialists. If you do not have serious problems with your teeth and they look pretty good, but you just want to install veneers, because it is fashionable, think well. You will always have time to spoil absolutely healthy teeth.


Now in fashion the natural look of teeth, and the good work of the dentist is the one that is invisible. Transparent cutting edge, micro and macro relief on the tooth. A few years ago, with the filing of some stars, people began to insert a diamond to the tooth. But now it is already a relic of the past.


The average cost of installing veneers - from 7-10 thousand per composite veneer. But he is not the most durable. The price for high-quality vein can increase to 30 thousand per tooth. It all depends on the material and complexity of work.


Vinir care is not very different from daily teeth care. You need to brush your teeth twice a day and do not forget about rinsing after meals. It is better to choose a toothpaste with low abrasive content. And also, if possible, reduce the use of coloring products, such as beets, chocolate, tea, coffee, red wine. And of course, it seems like nuts or seeds with front teeth.

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