1200 calories - harm or benefit for the body


It is thoroughly holding a weight loss, poorly serious in matters of healthy nutrition, people believe that a sharp decline in caloric diet will help them lose weight faster. Indeed, a decrease in the number of calorie consumed helps loss of fat, however, studies argue that in the long run, a hazardous reduction in calorie content of the diet has negatively affects health. I decided to consider whether the gold standard of the gold standard in the form of 1200 calories was sufficiently adopted by lovers to ensure the needs of the body.

How to calculate the calorie number

A common recommendation for weight loss is to reduce calorie consumption by 500-750 calories per day. It usually leads to a low-calorie diet: 1200-1500 calories per day for adult women and 1500-1800 calories per day for adult men, according to the scientific article "Defining the Optimal Dietary Approach for Safe, Effective and Sustainable Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults" . Moreover, 1200 calories are the minimum threshold, which provides exemplary spends on the vital activity of the body of a woman. To accurately prepare the consuming calorie norm, you need to undergo a bioimpened body analysis. In most cases, it turns out that the norm you need will exceed 1200 calories - the higher the percentage of muscles in the body and less fat, the greater the calorie you need.

Determine the calorie content rate using bioimpessane analysis

Determine the calorie content rate using bioimpessane analysis

Photo: unsplash.com.

Will this weight loss help?

Many studies have shown that compliance with low-calorie diets, including 1200-calorie, can help reduce weight. For example, the study "Clinical Efficacy of a Medically Supervised Outpatient High Protein, Low-Calorie Diet Program Is Equivalent in Prediabetic, Diabetic and Normoglycemic Obese Patients", held among 2093 people with obesity, showed that a replacement diet with 1200 calories under medical supervision Leaded to the average loss of fat by 4.7% for 12 months. However, not everything is so unequivocal. Studies have shown that although the initial weight loss using low-calorie diets, such as a 1200 calorie diet, usually fast and significant, but it often follows the return of weight to the previous norm. According to the results of the study "Weight Loss and Dropout During a Commercial Weight-Loss Program Including a Very-Low-Calorie Diet, A Low-Calorie Diet, Or Restricted Normal Food: Observational Cohort Study", the scientists noted that the fast weight loss during the first × 3 months in the subjects in many cases was accompanied by weight recovery during the subsequent × 9 months. In another study, 57 people with overweight or obesity were noted that after compliance with a very low 500-calorie diet or a 1250-calorie diet for 5 and 12 weeks, respectively, participants in the study restored an average of 50% of the weight, which they lost in 10 months. This led to the fact that many health experts recommended power schemes that use only a slight decrease in calorie intake to help reduce weight when minimizing negative metabolic adaptations.

Potential advantages of a 1200-calorie diet

Compliance with 1200 calories diet can benefit health, but it is important to note that these benefits are usually associated with the calorie restriction in general and do not relate to the power plans at 1200 calories. Regular use of more calorie than you need to your body, can lead to many health effects, including weight gain, increased risk factors and diabetes. The loss of excess body weight and the supply of your body with the desired calorie amount is important for the overall health status.

An adult woman is recommended to consume 2000 calories per day

An adult woman is recommended to consume 2000 calories per day

Photo: unsplash.com.

Disadvantages of the system

The need for calories is the thing individual and depends on many factors, including body growth and weight, age and level of activity. The 1200-calorie diet is not suitable for most adults. Although calorie needs vary from person to person, and accurate needs can be determined only with the help of special equipment or calculations, an average adult woman needs about 2000 calories a day to maintain their weight, and a man is about 2500. Diet for 1200 calories is too small For most people and can lead to negative side effects, such as dizziness, strong hunger, nausea, nutritional deficit trace elements, fatigue, headaches and stones in the busty bubble. Calorie restriction leads to metabolic changes in your body. These include raising the level of hormones, such as Grethin and cortisol, which cause hunger, as well as a decrease in metabolic levels at rest (RMR). This leads to an increase in weight reduction chances over time, as well as to a vicious cycle of repeated weight loss periods, followed by weight recovery, which have many people sitting on a diet. Studies have shown that repeating diet and weight cycles can cause stress at the heart and can lead to a higher risk of nutritional disorders, type 2 diabetes and reduce life expectancy.

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