How to get rid of rubble in the house


Let's start with the order. Each thing must have its place in the house. If you have a "lyrical confusion" in your rooms, in other words - chaos, then, most likely, there is little place in your house for harmony and positive energy. Consequently, you do not rest in your house, do not get the charge of life forces, on the contrary, spend energy, do not fall out, feel constant fatigue. The energy of the house is directly related to the order in it.

Galina Yanko

Galina Yanko

Unnecessary things should be regularly expelled from our cabinets and storage rooms. First of all, all the custodial, broken, leak and broken should be sent to the garbage. You do not need to store your favorite cup with a bangled or glued handle, torn tights, etc., all this deprives us, and first of all the welfare energy, money. The presence in the house of the hlama is one of the reasons for poverty. Shems takes place on which there could be money.

If you have poorly growing flowers, then you need to get rid of them. The flowers must be careed or not to have them at all. This is a living, growing energy - primarily material energy. Like artificial flowers - watch them outwardly. Bright, beautiful flowers, let even artificial, keep not only possible, but also favorably.

After general cleaning, you will definitely arrange ventilation

After general cleaning, you will definitely arrange ventilation


In the house there is no place for someone else's things. Things carry energy, and not always positive, their former owners. We all have relatives and friends who are getting rid of something that is not needed with your help - bring you your trash that they feel sorry. You can not refuse immediately, even before you brought anything to you, throw away as soon as the guest leaves your home. Do not take other people's things - why do you need other problems?

Clean regularly in your home , And after the general cleaning, you must arrange ventilation: open all windows, all doors, including inlets and balcony, and enter fresh air. It is not only useful for health. This is a way to launch fresh energy of nature into your home.

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