Pink: Dream Color and Perfect Makeup


The most gentle of the shades of the color palette is born when the fusion of red and white. The color of passion and the color of innocence in the duet give dozens of options warm and cold pink: bright pink, fluorescent, blooming almonds, fuchsia, peach-pink, sand-pink, pink tree ... You can continue endlessly. Oddly enough, it sounds, pink is the most passive color from the point of view of psychologists. The fact is that it reduces the inner and external aggressiveness: looking at him, people unconsciously become less irritable, more restrained and welcoming. Contemplation of pink can be worn up even with a furious man. The authorities of the Indian city with a difficult-acting name of Aurangabad a few years ago even conducted an experiment, having anticipated all the buildings in the gentle pink. And what would you think? Even the crime level fell there!

So in color therapy, this color is in demand, and quite. Not to mention the use of it in marketing. Packaging of gifts, cosmetics, perfumes, tapes, which are decorated with bouquets, balloons in stores, shop windows, banners and other, other, other ... everywhere there are some kind of tender paints in one way or another.

In English, as you know, pink is indicated by the word Pink. Something sublime and beautiful, by the way, is called the same way. However, do not everyone know that in the old days this word was also called beautiful people and representatives of the nobility. Thanks to them pink and became popular. The fact is that the legendary favorite of the French king Louis XV Marquis de Pompadour adored ash-pink color. Subsequently, he was called "Royal Pink", or "Color Pompadour". This color was loved by representatives of beautiful sex for long time. Even the genre of the lady of the novel (with a typically happy end) was called at the beginning of the 20th century, no other than Pink. In the States there is a Think Pink movement, whose representatives profess very understandable and simple thought: "To live and think it is only positive, remaining an optimist, no matter what."

It turns out to be happy, without pink we can not do in any way. And let him call it the vulgar and cerebral color of Barbie dolls, we, despite all these clichés, will look at the world through rose glasses, wearing a shade of Fuchsia and buy caramel-pink lips for lips.

Fresh like a rose!

So, the shades of pink - a great set, it is important to choose your own in accordance with your touch of the skin, eye and hair. Rules are extremely simple. The paler the color of your skin, the more lighter shade of pink it is possible to prefer. The risk of mistaken, however, is almost negotiated to zero by the efforts of creative directors on the makeup of famous brands. If only because used in modern Make-Up-E tone is most often unobtrusive, transparent and very delicate. Screaming neon shades that were popular in the 80s, you are no longer visiting.

Before proceeding with makeup, moisturize the skin well. Make-up - especially this concerns the most pale shades of pink - should look fresh and natural. If the skin is dry, the tonal cream applied to it can purchase a grayish tint. Therefore, use serum. And do not forget about the consillion, which disks the dark circles under the eyes. Art director Guerlain Olivier Eshodmeason advises to choose the corrector on the tone lighter than the shade of the skin. They can also be masked for mimic nasolabial folds that give the face a sad expression.

Rushed correctly, especially pink, is a whole art. If at least a little bit to overdo it, you can become a similar to Marfush from the Morozko's Fairy Tale, which rubbed the cheeks beet. The blush should look natural and gently, as if you quickly walked and dried out.

Up to twenty years, Olivier claims, the blush can be applied by the way "Russian doll", that is, to create color stains on the cheeks with circular movements round brush.

"In a more mature age, this is not worth doing," said Ashodmeason. "I do this: I'll nano on the cheekbones with the tips of the root of the blush, then I take a brush a little powder and I rub it with her blush towards the temples. This visually lifts the cheekbones. "

Caramel accents

As for pink shadows, they can create a feeling of red eyes. So that this does not happen, combine pink shade with another - for example, beige, gray, brown. You can use a gray or brown eyeliner. Lipstick or brilliance of pink color go everyone. If you do not want to experiment with too bright shades, stop the selection on peach pink, pastel-pink, sandy-pink. As for the texture, there are rules that desirable to follow.

"If you have a narrow lips," says Olivier Ashodmeason, "use the sparkling lipstick, she will give them volume. If lips, on the contrary, chubby, it is better to choose a matte lipstick. "

Those who prefer glitches for lips, the master recommends twice to hold a tassel on the lips with pink pearl, and - Voila! - Your smile will shine as in seventeen years. By the way, the gloss can be applied not only over lipstick, but also for it, as the basis. And also: if you put a bright pink dress, then you even think about intense make-up in the same color scheme, it should be delicate.

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