Elena Curchaschenka: "Men make me daily in love"


- Elena, in the TV series "IP Pirogov" your heroine is engaged in baking cakes. And not only bakes them, but also uses as a weapon ...

- Well, as otherwise: if there is a gun - it should shoot, if there is a cake - it means he must be flying away. And it would be strange if we were not thrown in such beautiful cakes. (Smiles.) We have a terrible struggle in our series. We poured into each other liters of milk, three dozen eggs, oil packs.

- We can see you in an unusual image: not the most kind-hearted lady, which all the time something sniffers and seeks to spoil ...

- Yes, the old women of the Shapoklyak. The role is negative, it is in principle an aunt vague - let's call the aunts with your own names. (Smiles.) Well, there are such - we know, and there are such a neighbor, and girlfriends, which suddenly at some point from pink and beautiful turn into green and frozen. This is a very good image, I have not played such ugly aunts. I hope my fans will like it. Although I am in the filmography there are negative heroines, and I write: Lena, we do not want you to play such characters, we love more when you are so with humor, gentle, mixing and comedy. Well, listen, the actress is interesting. All: and the frog play, and the princess, and, sorry, Babu Yagu.

In the film "I'm losing weight" Elena Curchakina became a film actress Alexandra Bortich

In the film "I'm losing weight" Elena Curchakina became a film actress Alexandra Bortich

- It is not difficult to reincarnate into a similar woman, if you consider that you have an exceptionally positive aura for the scenes? ..

- Well, it's interesting. Of course, you can play one role throughout your creative career and exist in it, but acting happiness is just to expand your range like a singer, for example, take three octaves. It's cool, especially when you are not associated with you, but with a character: Fu, what a nasty terrible aunt! Let me be perceived as I am in the film. Here in the "Super Bombrov" I played such a universe evil, so I was even scary to me. In each scene, we added a little bit of disgust. I said the director Dima Dyachenko: "Here I slightly overwhelmed, and here it was a little short." That is, it ran out gradually raising this degree, step by step. And here we built such a completely unrealistic aunt. And this, on the contrary, nice, flattering, I really like that such characters appeared in my life. Positive from me will not go anywhere: It is clear that this is my nature, and I easily respond to it, and everyone knows everything that I can like a comedy actress.

- Do you yourself know how to furnace cakes and sweets?

- Yes, my mother was a pastry chef. And when I was asked as a child, who Mom works, I answered: "She is delicious." She knew how to do it easily, and my childhood passed in ecles, pies and cakes. Then they did other cakes - remember how in the book about tasty and healthy food? The basket from which mushrooms are poured. We ourselves did it with my mother, the cream was cut in red sugar, green mushrooms, leaflets ... So I can do it all.

Elena Curchaschenka:

In the TV series "Ip Pirogov" Elena Villais, along with a colleague, Elena Podiknskaya baked not one tens of cakes

- How often do you manage to pamper yourself and surrounding such desserts?

- Unfortunately, now it is not very often, because after all the time you need. But we have a tradition: four days a year - on my birthday, the birthdays of children and the New Year - I am the "Napoleon" there. But such a cake that no one has surpassed. Because in the thirty years, that I cook it, no one person said to me: Lena, we ate tastier. I all say that my "Napoleon" is the most delicious. Therefore, when I hear what you need to try a cake somewhere, they say, I haven't tried this yet, I answer that by 99 percent you will tell me later - my cake is tastier. So happens. I got this recipe from my classmate Inna Strugs, with which we studied together at the Theater Institute. It came to her from Minsk Mom to the first winter holidays and brought some banks with pickles, jam and rolled into the tube "Napoleon" cake. And when we ate it, I realized that I should learn how to cook it. I was told the recipe, I did at home, I did not work out, so I went to Minsk for the next holidays, especially to learn how to prepare this cake. But I do not give this recipe for anyone, and my children were forbidden to share them. They ask even sell this recipe, but I say that I will not sell.

- You say that the bake is four times a year, but in general, how do you feel about sweet: you do not have to limit yourself in consumption to keep the figure?

"I, let's say so, not 30 years old, now I already play auple." (Smiles.) Therefore, it is also impossible to deny yourself in sweet. (Laughs.) So the sweet me, but not often. Although before youth, one day without a cupcake was in vain, it was necessary to do it. I studied in a chips and went every time through the store in which there was a confectionery. There were selling cakes "Potato". They cost 22 kopecks, and I still remember this taste. Now there is no such taste.

- You did not have any thoughts to open your pastry shop?

"I would love to do something like this, but the acting profession takes a lot of time." I would have opened a business with pleasure, but I don't understand what it could be. Many colleagues opened restaurants, but a little burned. And even if they start their work, then usually together with someone, so to open a restaurant, you need an initial capital plus - give your name. I had several sentences, but until we did it. I do not know, maybe I will come to this, because your business is always good.

Alexander Yatsko Elena lived in marriage for more than 20 years. Now the heart of the actress is free

Alexander Yatsko Elena lived in marriage for more than 20 years. Now the heart of the actress is free

Photo: Personal archive

- Even taking into account the love of sweets you look like a woman who leads an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. Recently, it seems even more grown up. What's the secret?

- It is impossible to do something on one day and stop. You need to do it constantly. Well, for example, people want to support their body in good shape - they go to the gym several times a week, the teeth are brushing twice a day, they wash their heads. The same face. It is better than correcting. Because when a woman saves something, wrinkles appear, fix it is much more complicated. You need to do it in advance. I constantly care for the face, even the men do it. And when a person cares for himself, it can be seen. My skin is very good for contact with cosmetic procedures, it is so grateful when something is done - immediately the result is visible. Now so much: Vitamins, Haluronka, Botox, Golden Threads: Paste once a year - and you will be happy. True, I do not go to the gym. Several times started, begged himself, but everything ended: Well, I do not find pleasure in this! It is easier to leave somewhere to make me a massage. I was now on the Dead Sea in the clinic at my friends, I made a chic peeling face with a laser, mud wraps, stretched the spine. And I feel elegant, and people say right away that I have changed.

- You can be called not only an expert in the field of cosmetology, but also designs - you conducted the transfer "Rent. With repair. " Is this theme close to you?

- So I graduated from art school. I have some abilities, I see it, I can, I was offered a hundred times: let's do something! But I repeat once again: then I need to climb into it, immersed, but there is no time. I make gifts: Mirrors to friends, I embroider something, engaged in beadwork. I crushed your crafts, and in many houses my souvenirs live. But to put on the stream, you need to do this, constantly watch and control. But now I'm so good with the movie and the theater, so I will do it.

- Which corner of the house is a special subject of your designer pride?

- The first thing that meets the guests of the guests is my mirror that herself did. Well, the jacket hangs embroidered, I sewed toys, I hang the pictures of my children at home, because they are artists.

In marriage with Alexander Yatsko, the actress gave birth to a son and daughter. Helen's children, like mom, intend to tie their lives with creativity

In marriage with Alexander Yatsko, the actress gave birth to a son and daughter. Helen's children, like mom, intend to tie their lives with creativity

Photo: Personal archive

- So children do you have creative?

- Yes, the Son is studying in the third year of the Architectural Institute, he has not yet decided on who will be: designer or architect. The daughter goes to school with an architectural institute and engaged with professional artists, takes additional classes. She has very beautiful talented work, and, most interesting, her head ripen the finished ideas: when she starts work, he already sees her in the final. She is very talented, but not quite understandable, which will come, because there are architectural, and design schools. So we think.

"When you look at the children, you don't care that no one went to your footsteps?"

- Not at all offend. I like that they already understand what they want to do, because classmates and their parents suffer, not knowing where their children would send. It is very difficult to choose such an occupation so that a person not only earned himself to life, but also his work brought pleasure. So that they have not served a period of eight in the morning to eight in the evening, and so that they are also their lives.

- What do you think you are a strict mom?

- I am strict, but in soft mittens. I always allowed them a lot. They painted on the walls, I never had wallpaper, glued paper, they painted, I was lying on her. They could paint furniture, fridge, batteries. And they did not prohibit anything. Maybe that's why they rose such creative free people.

- So, was it exclusively their choice?

- Sure. For example, I really wanted them to both play piano. I even gave Masha Piano, Vasya walked on the guitar to learn. But they did not go in these areas, did not want. Therefore, they were proposed gently on my part than to deal with, including the artistic direction. And they chose him.

- I would like to talk about how the love of fans in your life appears. Crowds of fans not guard under the windows?

- There is no such. But the men are confessed daily in love because of the film "Formula of Love", where I played the role of Maria Ivanovna. They say: "Ah, this is mine!". I was here on the morning gear, and Rodion Gazmanov said to me: "Elena, I have to admit you that you are my youth love." And then began to talk about the sounding of cartoons, I told that he was voiced by the "Ninja Turtles". He was standing: and who exactly? I replied that Journalist Eypril. So he also admitted that he remembers this voice from youthful times.

- Well, that lucky one who managed to break your heart, already appeared?

- Not. I had a very difficult divorce, and while my heart does not want to break. At all. I do not want to link my life with someone. But again: I now said, and tomorrow I went out - and that's it. We are not given to predict ...

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