On the reality show "Vacation in Mexico" there was a fight


On the shooting of a realistic show telling about what will happen if for 4 months I locate 11 young, free and hot guys and girls on a luxury villa near the ocean, of course, it is impossible to avoid conflicts. Therefore, when a new participant appeared in the second week in the villa - Brutal Macho named Jean (growth 190, weight 105, solid muscles and no grams of fat), he immediately stated that he was going to dominate: "Above the guys - morally, over girls - physically". From the first minute, the Dominator began to behave defiantly: to pester to someone else's girlfriends, to do all comments and generally be sad. The athlete Ramazu did not like it, and the conflict began.

In general, young people got too hot on these shooting. In the first week of the project, girls began to rise several times, and now here are guys. They managed to decompose them. The case was over two broken lounge chairs and one broken hand! Zhanna Friske, fortunately, did not suffer. But he decided to invite a psychologist at Villa, who will now be constantly being near heroes to help them cope with aggression and solve conflicts without fists.

- It is important for me that the guys themselves have learned to make decisions, and most importantly - realized that the world is not evil people. The guys are still so young and reckless, they do not think about what awaits them ahead. I communicate with them, talking. We are trying together to explain why one or another person does this, "says Zhanna.

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