Irina Dubtsova: "If I have no knees at the first meeting, there is no chance of a man"


- Irina, tell us honestly: how did you spend time on self-insulation and how has your life changed during this period?

- We were self-aged on March 16, before the announcement of Quarantine. On the same day, we learned that mass events were canceled, and my anniversary concert had to be postponed on September 16. The son began online learning even earlier. His school was released all around the houses long before the closure of other schools so as not to raise the risk of children and teachers. As for masks and buckwheat, I went to the store, everything purchased before the general panic. I understood perfectly that I will not leave the house, I didn't want to let couriers either. Therefore, I purchased a lot for the whole family and no more in the store did not appear. (Smiles.) At home I prepared a lot, played sports, wrote new songs and actively worked remotely. Honestly, we will not even go from the house to even walk on our closed village, since the allergies to flowering began. Usually we fly away every year for a month from Moscow, but this year we closed at home, wrapped all windows with dense wet rags and sat with air cleaners. I did not spend any online concerts, because I was not used to singing for the phone cameras and really waiting for our meeting with the audience. (Smiles.) But I actively worked all myself and wrote songs. It was not bored.

- That is, this situation did not affect your creativity?

- Music is written outside depending on the pandemic or my mental state. I've wanted to remove the new video for the phone during the insulation period, but I lost the fan. I decided to leave this business to professionals. And during the insulation, I wrote a lot of songs not only for myself, but also for other artists who will take part in my jubilee concert dedicated to the 15th anniversary of creative activities. This time was given to prepare even better, and I hope that we will no longer post our concert.

A real assistant will grow up at the Star Mom: the son of Artem in March was 14 years old

A real assistant will grow up at the Star Mom: the son of Artem in March was 14 years old

- This is a difficult time you spent in the company of your loved son of Artem. How is he doing now?

- The son is doing well. He studied online, made lessons and finished a quarter to be fine, which is usually usually for him. (Smiles.) He has not yet decided on how he wants to do, the options are assumed very different. Tyoma is a versatile teenager, he is engaged in sports, and all that is connected with computers and technologies and without which in the modern world is simply impossible - a guy especially. He teaches languages ​​- he has almost the main English, he communicates free on it. He has a second language - Spanish. I don't know what the path as a result my son will choose, but seeing his ability to communicate, activity and communicability, a tendency to diplomacy, I will not be surprised if he succeeds in the most unexpected areas. The only thing that I can say is as long as he is absolutely not for music, it is interested in her maximum as a listener. But we are aware that one day everything can change - he is a musical guy, and he has a wonderful rumor. Gradually, from mom of a teenager, I turn more and more in a girlfriend of a teenager and I am not enough for nothing. A more than a couple of years - and we will start talking together.

- What methods of upbringing a teenager hold?

- Main method: We bring it up from birth from birth and do not stop doing this to this day. Education - the process is continuous. And I deserved His respect, even considering that I work and often absent at home. I did everything that Tyoma listened to my opinion. Even if he is in the root I do not agree with my decision, he respects him and does it as I said. It is quite adequate, normal child, not harmful, not capricious. Of course, adolescence makes itself felt, the moments of disagreement are sometimes very acute. But education brings fruit. He is inconvenient to swear with me and with my mother, who spends a lot of time with him and is engaged in its upbringing and education. And it seems to me, it is inconvenient first because we are women. He is a brought up boy and can not afford to increase his voice to a woman or shank her how many adolescents do it. My friends sometimes complain about their children, that they are chamid, and I am amazed - I know them all like good boys and girls, and they allow themselves. But, as you know, at home the overwhelming majority of children behave much worse than in humans. Can I boast now? When the topic turns out somewhere in society without me, I then say a lot of good things about him. "Ira, God, what a guy, what is he intelligent, brought up, with humor!" I do not cease to be surprised that it's all about my boy. Although I see how it grows, as a man's start, character, strength manifests itself in it. This is a completely magical feeling.

- Many complain that during self-insulation recovered. And with you something like that?

- In order not to recover on isolation, the main rule is not what is preparing. (Laughs.) If I want to eat - I eat, I do not want to eat - do not eat. My nutrition depends on how much I am nervous. If I do not sleep, worrying, I get better, more precisely swelling. That is, I do not appear extra kilograms, the fat is not growing, because he has no way to take. I fell correctly: we do not eat sweet, fried, potatoes, pasta, bread. My diet is fish and vegetables, maximum meat. Once a month, of course, like any woman, there is a "prohibitory". We all want chocolate or cake sometimes.

The secret of the harmony of Irina: Do not eat everything that she herself prepares

The secret of the harmony of Irina: Do not eat everything that she herself prepares

Press service materials

- By the way, have you ever experimented with diets?

- I am not an adherent diet and violence over the body. Weight does not change for several years. The only thing is inclined to swells. This feature appeared since the child gave birth. Why so far is not a herring skinny, I did not understand for a long time. And last year passed the tests and was shocked - the whole thing in hormones. I have enhanced cortisol, which is responsible for stress. I just work a lot and live in the wrong, crazy mode, when there is no time to sleep and rest. Where do you get tranquility?

- Well, and with sports are friends?

- Yes, I do it to feel better. If you do not do fitness, then there are problems with a spine, a muscular corset, with a nervous system. Now every room has free online workouts, and you can cope without them. They took two bottles of water, squat and listen to audiobook, for example. (Smiles.) Ways a huge amount! There would be a desire. I continued workout online with my coach Vyacheslav Dyuchev. We were engaged in three times a week and more, and I will say that I asked him yet. (Laughs.) Soon we will resume our workouts, but already on sports grounds.

- Many on insulation rescued with pets with pets. Do you have pets?

- recently did not become our dog Boui. In my childhood there was a black Newfoundland, she lived with us for 16 years, gave birth to a bunch of puppies and died from old age. It was a wonderful dog, and when I had another, I also called her in memory of her. And not mistaken. They were very similar to character. It seems that the dog of my childhood was reborn in this buse. It was very hard for her care ... Now we have three dogs: mystic, kukusik and donut. When we had allergic to pollen with Artem in 2012, three cats lived in the house, and after some time the son began to react to their wool. For half a year we suffered, and then gave cats in good hands familiar. Our Bushechka then buried, almost sick. Doctors came to the conclusion that she has depressed. Then we bought Cords, so we had a mystic. Our shop immediately chewed, and before her last day, they were friends with mysticism. Kukusik - microcups, it is only about 2 kg. According to the passport, she is Michelle, like me, was born on February 14, so I was presented to me last year for my birthday. During the insulation period, we purchased another punch spitz. Previously, I was very skeptical about small rocks, especially spitzam, it seemed that it was creatures that were not amenable to training. I just have big dogs seemed smart. With the Kukusik and Toncik, I take my words back, as they were beautiful, trained, understanding, wonderful dogs. Although I often met among the spitts very angry.

In the family of singer, three dogs, which the mistress just loves!

In the family of singer, three dogs, which the mistress just loves!

- Irina, you are big fashionable. Admit how good you have a wardrobe?

- I have a large wardrobe in the house and a huge collection of shoes. I spend a revision regularly and give what I do not wear. If you do not give old, it will not be new. (Smiles.)

- And how was the case with a campaign to cosmetologists? How did you support your beauty in this difficult period?

- I tried the procedures many, and I also watched my skin at home. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash up the syllable skin. You can not go to bed with a painted face, even if you want to surprise your second half or shy to seem without makeup. In no case! Washing is one of the most important rules of healthy skin. Moved, put the correct mask on the face - and you can go to bed. Every morning I advise you to wipe the face with ice. It helps keep the skin in tone and gives a healthy face color. Legging procedures I do regularly. For example, hardware procedures that can support skin in a tone without surgeon intervention and even without injection. Fotona, for example, is a laser that creates wonders, Ulthera System is also a cool procedure. Do not make it just a crime! And you can always find an alternative to cheaper. The main desire. Another procedure that will help do not go to the surgeon table and do not do liposuction, is cryolipolysis, thanks to which you can remove extra centimeters on the hips and waist. This is a special nozzle, which sucks a fat layer, cools it up to minus 11 degrees, and within two months through the lymphatic system, this excess fat is displayed. I tried it on myself, and it really works. Once again I repeat that the main thing is desire.

Artist - Big fashionista, she has a pretty roomy dressing

Artist - Big fashionista, she has a pretty roomy dressing

Press service materials

- And how do you feel about plastic interventions?

- I applied to a plastic surgeon to increase the chest. Did not hide it and not going. I never made plastic operations on my face. I always had a careful cleansing in my most important care point. I often go to a concert or film cream on my face, it is very harmful, so I carefully, right here before the squeak, clean the skin. I don't do any injections at the cosmetologist. Despite the fact that at this age, when all the roughages did all possible suspenders and botox. Now the hardware cosmetology is so well developed, which is simply there is no need for something else to prick, make operations and suspenders. You can clean the wrinkles, and the oval faces in the tone hold only with the help of hardware procedures and manual massage. This is a wonderful set I prefer myself and advise, and some close people even impose because it works. Try - and you yourself make sure.

The singer pays a lot of attention to the proper face care. And results, as they say, is evident

The singer pays a lot of attention to the proper face care. And results, as they say, is evident

Press service materials

- Irina, about your personal life is also written on the Internet. But I would like the truth. Tell me, this summer fans should expect some serious change?

- I do not want to talk about my personal life. When I meet the man myself and marry him, then, of course, I will inform about it. I want to say to men: "Not a machine in front of my nose money! "Machine" relationship and actions ". But if I had no knees at the first meeting, I did not miss the gift of speech, did not bother treacherously eyes, there are no chances even from the king of cares! Chemistry, what makes me write songs, do not sleep at night, wait for calls, fly to the edge of the world, abandoning the couple of concerts, is invaluable. I am an adult girl, I have a teenage son. I can already afford to live as I want!

- And yet: a man of dreams, in your opinion, what should be?

- Yes, a normal peasant. Confident in yourself, able to just approach and say: "Hi, let's get acquainted!" Most often it happens like this: "Irina, hello, thank you." Kisses the handle. Moreover, a person can be with guard, high status. And that's it. I do not bite!

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