Tutta Larsen: "I used to think that children are the end of life."


- Tanya, for a long time you did not want children, and soon give birth to the third ...

- Previously, I thought the children were the end of life.

- Why?

"My dad wanted a boy at all." Since childhood, I drove on great, dived from the tower, climbed on the trees. Installations in the upbringing were such: well study, finish school with a gold medal, to enter the university, to acquire profession, to be implemented. But that part of my female nature, in which the wife and mother would have brought up, did not particularly develop, and in itself she also did not develop. I never thought that it was necessary to learn. Therefore, it seemed to me that as soon as I had my own child, my life would end at all! Now I am very sorry: I will begin to give birth before, I would now have much more children. Being a large mother is the highest joy.

- We have an opinion that after thirty give birth late, doctors call these women with eating ...

- You need to look for the right doctors! I will give birth in forty-one. Pregnancy is the most natural state for a woman, how to breathe, sleep, eat. Woman for this was created. She has everything to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

- Did not afraid when she gave birth for the first time?

- Luka was all a little more difficult. When he was born, such a huge number of love and fear for him collapsed on me. I stayed in your hysterics for two months, I did not know what to do, how to protect him from the aggressive world? This love I almost strangled me.

- So before the birth of Martha, did you attend courses for moms?

- Yes, they are very helpful. We went to courses along with my husband Valera. We have now visited, but not the entire course, but only what is related to the moment of childbirth. And for the first time the full, starting from the diet and gymnastics, ending with the care of the baby in the first months of life. Valera said he wants to attend childbirth. Then I thought that we had to go to classes where he would hear and see how everything was happening. If after that turns on the rear speed, I will not be offended. After all, for a man, this experience, to put it mildly, extreme, if not to say a traumatic. But Valera everything passed and the back did not turn on.

- Media girls are very worried about the spoiled figure. Did you have such fears?

- I am not of those women who are filmed in magazines, walk along the podium and suffer about every bruise on their knees. I never worked as a body. Therefore, I was not so scary to see some stretch marks, cellulite. Worry that my belly is not so elaile, as before? Not! This, sooner or later, still happens to you. The worst in the world is an aging beauty. Marlene Dietrich, although she had everything: both talent, and charisma, and opportunities, - locked in the house, sat without leaving, drove everyone, because she could not appear on the old woman's people. In this case, the experience of Brick Barddo I am much closer. I do not know if I get old beautifully, but I understand that this is the inevitable process and you need to be grateful for what you live a long life.

Tutta Larsen, together with her husband, Valery and Children Luka and Martha. .

Tutta Larsen, together with her husband, Valery and Children Luka and Martha. .

- You baptized in childhood?

- Nine years.

- Do you go to church with my husband and children?

- We are an Orthodox family. Every Sunday in the Liturgy Temple. We try to keep posts, communion of children.

- How do children themselves perceive the temple?

- And you know, we do not forcing them especially for anything. We walk, they go with us. Since conception. For them is a house! We have Martuuna, for example, to two years to two were a malicious child. When guests came, she hid behind us, looked out. But in the temple it was impossible to catch it. Could approach anyone, sit next to the bench, climb. Probably when they become adolescents, they will have some protest, and they will begin to look for their own attitude with God. But I'm sure that the slave, which is laid from birth in the family, will help them just resist, do not break and do not break.

- Now you are somehow trying to explain to children that they will soon have a brother or sister?

- We declared it at the New Year's table. They perceived it as a gift. Children who go to the temple absorb traditional family values ​​that are broadcast in the Orthodox environment. They know that largeness is joy, it is happiness, it is God's blessing. Therefore, they asked me, why do we have so few children in the family? Our family confessor, Father Alexandra, he also no forty, now Matushka is wearing a sixth child. And when we declared our, we are waiting for the baby, they were very happy. Children touch the stomach, feel how the kid kicks there.

- Who children spend more time?

- With Dad. Because of the crisis, it has become less. But there was a time to communicate with children. The result, for example, such a bow for the first time for all three classes in school became a round excellent student, because Valera began to make homework with him. I do not have enough patience or forces. I'm fucking.

- Many confuse the situation when a husband with children, and the wife works?

- First, it works too. And secondly, for me the amount of money that a man brings to the house has never been equivalent to his masculinity. A man is the owner in the house. The man who manages the house, family. In this sense, Valera is one hundred percent man. We all love him and appreciate, respect.

- Your children have unusual names, how did they appear?

- We have all the names were invented in advance. The fact that the son is named Luke, I knew the last five years before his birth. I wanted to call him in honor of my grandfather. He died long ago. And when I was harvested, I learned about the existence of St. Luke Simferopolsky. This holy powerfully entered my life, just in the last weeks of pregnancy. It was amazing. His patronage is felt all the time. And Marfa dreamed of me when I wore Luka. And there were no questions at all. Then it turned out that Valera Prababek Marfa. Lived ninetyly with more than a year, gave birth and raised ten children.

- What happens with another kid - a new TV project?

- I was attentive at the beginning of a kind of video blog on the Internet about motherhood and childhood. But my colleagues and comrades told me: "What a video blog, Larsen, is not your scale. We will do television! " As a result, a class team was gathered, and we created subjective television. And we want to talk on this channel about what worries us here and now. Since I am currently in a position, the first program we devoted pregnancies and childbirth.

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