Dad can: how to understand that he will be a good father


Probably, every woman, having lived with his man under one roof for several years, thinks about replenishing in the family, but determine how good the father your companion will be quite difficult. Nevertheless, there are signs that will help you understand whether there is hope that your man will become a wonderful dad or not. We will talk about it.

You can rely on it

Let your partner and not an ideal man who by the way does not exist, but if he keeps the word - it is expensive. There is nothing worse than a man who makes every time it is disappointed in it: he forgets to meet your mother at the airport, late for a meeting with you at the appointed time, refuses his words when you are sure that he will keep the word. If you can trust the partner as yourself, do not doubt - the process of upbringing your future children will not be difficult for you or for him.

Make sure your man is ready for fatherhood

Make sure your man is ready for fatherhood


He relates well to other people's children.

You can make certain conclusions by observing how your man communicates with children, let's say, their relatives, and even better - with children of friends. He is ready to play with them without increasing his voice? Is he a filling of active games? Does conflict situations in children's chaos? Good news: Your man will become an excellent partner for games and understanding dad for your common children.

He is calm

A man who is difficult to withdraw on emotions is infrequently found if you learned your partner, you can congratulate you. The likelihood that in your house there will be screams and swearing about scattered toys and feeding a nourishing child at night will be minimized. Exposure is important not only for Mom, but also for a father who takes no less participation in the upbringing.

He always finds time on you

Today it is difficult to maintain a balance in personal life and business, you need to do everywhere and not everyone can cope with it. For a good dad, his children will always stand in the first place, of course, if we are talking about serious situations when you need to make a decisive choice. And this choice should not be a job. If your man is a workaholic, it is difficult to "expel" from the office late in the evening, be sure that even the appearance of children will not change its priorities.

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