Floor exchange: adopt the strong men's sides to succeed in a quarry


How many myths go on the existence of a male and female brain, a different purpose and other things - all, on what scientists argue with the townsdays. However, there is something to argue meaninglessly - the difference in the approach to work. Men usually have a logical and cold-blooded approach to business, although there are exceptions. We highlight a few character traits that should be rendered from the opposite sex.

No emotions

Women are more often amenable to emotions, which is not surprising: we have a more changeable hormonal background, which causes the rapid manifestation of empathy. We tend to make decisions on the delegation of the heart, sorry subordinates and enter the position of any employee. However, the first thing you really should be guided by work is a sober mind. It is necessary to clearly designate the comfort zone for yourself and borders for other people. Then they will not only be respected to you, but they will not displays requests, knowing that you will refuse them to perform, since they are engaged in personal affairs.

Assessment of advantages and minuses

If you have to run a startup, change the team of the collective or take any other important decision, first of all, appreciate the possible consequences. Abroad, it is customary to make Mind Map - this is a map of the outcomes, both positive and negative. Men coped well with such tasks, as they usually carry material responsibility to large sums, so each error costs them expensive in the literal and figurative sense. Teach yourself to evaluate both sides of the decision on the start of the career - in the future it will help you reduce the number of errors and show you as a reasonable person. In business without tactics, you can quickly "burn out", so it is better to think in advance and avoid mistakes.

Making a map of possible outcomes

Making a map of possible outcomes

Photo: Pixabay.com.

The ability to focus in practice

In the middle-endist woman's head at the same time several tasks: work, house, family, friends. Do not forget to congratulate your childhood friend's birthday, buy a child promised toy, pick up a dry cleaning coat and much more - all these things are spinning in the head at the same time. Men are usually less worried about domestic responsibilities and raising children, so it is easier for them to remove extra thoughts. Take an example from them: write out all the important things to the diary to "unload" the head, set aside the phone away and do only work.

Redistribution of duties

Best the enemy of the good. Wanting to make it better, we can only aggravate the situation. For example, you constantly help your colleague, which is asked for a child's illness, and with your children during a cold sits nanny or grandmother. No need to do that. In the first place for you should be, and then colleagues. Believe me, your friendship you do not spoil your hard "no": it is likely that the lazy people knowing your reliability to you. Yes, and their duties would be good to redistribute: Choose the three most important directions in your activities and focus on them, and the rest instruct younger colleagues.

Agree on help with younger colleagues

Agree on help with younger colleagues

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Communication with more successful people

Men understand how important it is to join the business communication environment in time to build strong connections to help succeed in business and advance through the career stairs. Usually such a friendship begins in sports sections - squash, crossfit, swimming, gym and others. In these places, people are concentrated with sufficient above average, which understand that the concern for the body is equal to the development of the brain. Sport improves coordination, strengthens neural connections responsible for memory, the rate of thought process and creativity. Also with people of your circle can be found at business events, meetings with sales representatives and thematic exhibitions.

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