"Wake up" hair after winter


Three winter months in a modern metropolis - a difficult test for the whole organism, but it is especially difficult to hares. Like the skin, it is a very sensitive structure, which is instantly reacting to any effects. If we talk about external factors, it is impossible not to mention that the cold season implies regular temperature differences, because we are constantly moving from the "fire" of the flooded premises in the cold of urban streets. The situation is almost hopeless: on the one hand, the champper can and need to be protected by headdresses, but on the other - in the "woolen captivity" the head of the head is devoid of normal respiration, which immediately affects its condition and, therefore, on the hair themselves.

"To go frost without a head-up - this crime," says Svetlana Romashova, Oro Di Coppella stylist, an exclusive distributor.

cosmetic brand KEMON. - In the hair there is a moisture, which in the cold freezes the same way as all living things. Even strong and elastic curls gradually turn into the notorious "washcloth". As for the skin of the head, it suffers no less, because the spasm of vessels leads to a deterioration of blood circulation, and the hair begin to fall out.

Under the headdress, the hair feels no better, as there is a ball effect, the head of the head constantly sweats, the sebaceous glands are activated, as a result, after a few hours, the hairstyle loses the appearance. "

"Fatten and drink"

The right path to the luxurious chapelur includes several stages, mutually complementing each other. And start with your lifestyle. It is no secret that the hair is sensitive to both Avitaminosis and stress or lack of sleep. First of all, try to put your nervous system in the way that it is suitable for you. For some, it will be an active training in the gym, others will prefer meditation or yoga, the spa will help the third. The main thing is that your body, exhausted by the disadvantage of sunlight and positive emotions, came into absolute norm. Be sure to pour out and, of course, fit it right.

"All problems come from the inside," says Maria Chevychalova, head of the department of Cosmetology AvroRaClinic. - For the winter, the body gets tired of fighting cold, as well as all sorts of viruses, affects the lack of vitamins in the "winter" vegetables and fruits. Immunity decreases, chronic fatigue accumulates, persecute constant drowsiness and weakness. The deterioration of hair status is expressed not only in their dryness, fragility and loss of shine, but also in intensive falling. Therefore, measures should be taken most serious. First of all, the hair needs proper nutrition. Excess carbohydrate food, lack of vitamins plus a desire to lose weight by spring deprive hair so necessary substances - proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements. The most important for hair is trace elements - Zn, SE, Si, Cu, Fe, vitamins of group A, B, C, unsaturated fatty acids, primarily Omega-3. It should be powered often (every 2.5 - 3 hours), small portions. Try to increase the amount of protein in the diet, including at the expense of cottage cheese and fish, which enriches our diet unsaturated fatty acids. Use liver dishes, divert-shaped porridges, legumes. For dessert Eat citrus, all kinds of nuts

And dried fruits, such as figs, dried, raisins, dates. More hair is needed moisture, so watch the amount of water drilled (not counting tea, coffee and soups). The optimal amount is about 30 milliliters per kilogram of weight. In the spring, it is also necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes that can be bought at the pharmacy. "

If the head of the head sweats heavily, think about and analyze, do not abuse you sharp. After all, dishes flavored, for example, chili, curry, red or black pepper, which give food a very spicy taste, contribute to the activation of sweat glands, and, therefore, the hair for counting hours turn into notorious "icicles".

And be sure to exclude semi-finished products and fast food from your menu, otherwise all your efforts will not bring the expected result.

Closer to roots

Cosmetic hair care should be started not from their appearance, but from the restoration of the scalp balance. For this, there are a number of special preparations that regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, strengthen the hair onions, remove the unpleasant sensations, such as itching and dryness, allow hair to remain well-groomed and attractive.

"Most people work in the office, where serious requirements for appearance are presented," Svetlana Romashova says. - Therefore, it is necessary to wash your head every day - as they say, the situation obliges. And hair care cosmetics should not be just high-quality, but smart, able to solve several problems at once, including to provide the possibility of daily head washing, not "spurring" the sebaceous glands, thereby causing them more intensively work. A decent example of the Kemon's Italian brand is a worthy example - one of the few, which not only carries out hair, but also normalizes the balance of the scalp, providing not only health, but also your own comfort, and also strengthens the hair follicles. For example, Shampoo against hair loss P Factor Shampoo Series P Factor System softly cleans the hair and skin of the head, creates a feeling of freshness, contributes to strengthening and "awakening" hair lows, provoking the growth of new hair. Such an action is ensured by the unique components included in its composition - grape seed extracts containing phytoestrogens, potato tubers, dwarf palm trees Serenoa Repens. Next, it is recommended to care for the skin of the head P Factor Scalp, which is applied to the scalp immediately after the shampoo. This is a universal product, acting at once in several directions: it moisturizes and softens the irritated head of the head, gently cleans, relieves unpleasant itching, adjusts the work of the sebaceous glands, and also provides a magnificent appearance of hair, making them lush and shiny. Contains a large number of plant extracts (calendula, vibrants, aloe vera, chamomile), Vitamins B5, B6, E, H and PP, strengthening and softening active ingredients that give shine. If the problem of the loss will not be solved in full, you can use an ampumen complex of falling out, such as P Factor Lotion Donna and P Factor Lotion Uomo with a complex of vitamins and amino acids. The components of the "female" option: Vitabio-K vitamin complex, amino acids, castor and hemp oil, grape seed extracts and seaweed, hydrolyzed yeast protein, vitamins B5, B6, E, H, RR, and A, fatty vegetable acids, aloe vera extracts , potato tubers, dwarf palm trees and grape bones. Such a composition contributes to strengthening and intensifying the activities of hair follicles, has a beneficial effect on the skin of the head, especially on fat and sensitive, freeing it from excess skin salts and removing irritation. The lotion stimulates the growth of epithelial cells of hair bulbs, adjusts the lipid metabol, well refreshes, gives the volume hairstyle, lengthens the phase of active hair growth, ensures their growth and strengtheningThe "male" lotion has a complex effect: actively struggling with baldness caused by the causes of genetic nature and other factors, stops hair loss, lengthens and stimulates the phase of their active growth, normalizes fat exchange. It is important to note that these drugs do not contain steroids, vegetable phytoestrogens are used as an active substance that stimulates hair growth. "

"Use shampoo also needs competently," says Maria Chevychalova. - First we apply the drug on the skin of the scalp, slightly massage and only then process your hair yourself. Contrary to the general opinion, it is necessary to wash the head as often as it is necessary, cleaning it from the skin, as well as from burned cells, which, accumulating, clog the mouth of the hair follicles and contribute to the worsening hair growth. We recommend professional ELiokap shampoos, which add individually selected nutrient extracts using personal recipes techniques (a unique opportunity to personally create individual compositions). The healing properties of the shampoo allow you to combine it with phytoessentials of ELiokap, create a personal medical and hygienic care to solve a wide range of hair problems and scalp. ELiokap preparations contribute to the purification of hair follicles, an increase in skin elasticity, cell regeneration, fully prepare the skin to a deeper penetration of active substances, provide the necessary power and protection against aggressive environmental factors. The peeling procedure acquires great importance, since it cleans high quality, perfectly exfoliates, removes pollution of various etiologies, including hasty plugs that cloculate pores. At home, peeling is very problematic,

And in the cabin or clinic it is an integral part of professional care. This procedure is particularly comfortable: thin textures and natural flavors not only return the hair impeccable state, but also give spiritual harmony and pleasure - both in the process of conducting the procedure and subsequently. Peeling also enhances the bloodstream, thereby improving the nutrition of the hairpaline and is stimulated by the growth of healthy hair, deleted epithelium and fatty acid peroxides are removed, pores are deeply cleaned. At the same time, blood circulation is improved, oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of the scalp and hair bulbs, preparations for intensive procedures are prepared. ELIOKAP serum can be used for active hair growth stimulation. They have a light texture and applied to pure skin of the head, providing an active therapeutic effect (there is no feeling of overload due to the thin capillary effect of the purest natural components and trico formula). "

Not subtle - and does not break

Restoration of the appearance of hair is a separate point in the list of cosmetic procedures. Frosty air of the street, the heating in the premises damage the lipid protective layer of the hair rod, which leads to the loss of natural moisture. Result - strands become dull, brittle, and the tips are split, sometimes. Drying hairdryer only aggravates the position, so try to either reduce it to a minimum, or use special protective preparations. Ideally, after washing your head can be bought by a terry towel, absorbing moisture, and to dry naturally, without using styling. Even better if you spend a light massage of the scalp, lifting and slightly shaking the hair from the roots. After a couple of weeks, they will tell you many thanks!

With the onset of spring, be sure to visit your hairdresser. Update the shape of the haircut, cut the seeds of the tips. Contrary to the general opinion, another way to combat this problem, alas, does not exist.

"The changed structure of the hair, damaged to the state of the" belties ", is beyond the action of balms, oils, fluids and other means for recovery, - explains Maria Chevychalov. - These funds give a good effect only until the next wash. The only way out in this situation is a radical way, that is, haircut. To prevent this problem, start hair restoration should be much earlier than you notice the first signs of their damage. Modern low molecular weight preparations containing amino acids and lipids allow you to restore the structure of the hair rod, giving shine and smoothness. Be sure to use intense masks based on natural ingredients. For example, propolis gives hair a healthy shine, silky, they are easily combed; Tyme oil retains the natural water-fat balance, gives weakened hair shine, softness and elasticity to the most tips; Essential oils of sage, rosemary, lavender have a stimulating, strengthening, toning effect. Masks improve the condition of the hair rod, nourish and strengthen its texture. All this can be done both at home, and contacting the salon or clinic, where the trichologist will pick up and will make an individual composition for you.

Do not neglect and massage, it improves the blood circulation of the scalp, which helps to strengthen the hair. It is recommended to spend daily in the morning or in the evening the tips of the fingers with soft circular motions. For massage, special electromassagers are also recommended. "

"Dry and weakened hair requires reinforced moistening and nutrition," adds Svetlana Romashova. - They extremely need components that give gloss, make it easier to create hairstyles and protect against damage. Taking into account this, the specialists of the Italian company Kemon created two unique series called "Hair Diet", allowing you to find an individual approach to the problem of dry hair (depending on their condition). The Nutrizione Intensa collection is a product of successful interaction between the latest developments of modern chemistry and natural ingredients, intended for intensive recovery of very dry and damaged hair, for example, after a long stay in the cold or in the "captivity" of heating devices. The main active substances of the Nutrizione Intensa line are olive and bergamot oil, hydrolyzed wheat proteins, wax and various amino acids. The result is even the most dry and weakened hair receive the required amount of moisture and nutrients, become strong, elastic and well-groomed. Thus, the Nutrizione Intensa Shampoo shampoo does not just clean the hair, but also strengthens them from the roots to the tips, forming the finest micropoline, which serves as protection against adverse factors of the external environment, ensures hair with the necessary moisture and regenerates the lipid layer. As a result, the dry strands become moistened, elastic and elastic. The inclusive cream Nutrizione Intensa Cream with a concentrated cream consistency allows you to maximize moisture dry and brittle hair, perfectly protects their structure from the further loss of moisture (even during drying dryer), makes soft and surprisingly silky. Strands are easily combed and obediently fit into the hairstyle.

The intensive mask Nutrizione Intensa Mask for dehydrated hair with drought protection system includes hydrolyzed wheat proteins, amino acids, grain proteins, olive oil, wax, glycerin, citrus oil, green tea extract. These components nourish and moisturize their hair and scalp. After the mask, the hairstyle becomes bulk, looks flawless and glamorous. If there are insignificant damages, and the hair is thin, the optimal will be the choice of the Nutrizione Leggera line, which includes the Nutrizione Leggera Shampoo shampoo and air conditioning for support, nutrition and shine dry and weakened hair Nutrizione Leggera Cond (it will restore the natural scalp skin, protects the hair

From further damage, give them shine, silkiness and amazing softness, without having lost them. "

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